This is strange... What do you think? by Whisper2bay 2010/01/21 08:11
Have you ever seen a frog climbing up a fence... Day before yesterday at about 10:09 pm.. GMT+1 i was at my friend place about to leave for my house..
Together with his brother decided to fetch water that night ... So they packed their bucket and went to their well(in their compound) beside their fence, so we were now discussing as he was fetching the water and his brother carrying it into the house...
After some 8 mins of fetching water, i sitting down near the fence, so something jumping i knew it was a frog, so i ignored it when my friend told me to look at what is jumping.. After 8 seconds we look at the fence there we saw this frog ..

mayur35 2010/02/06 03:16
hummmn... !
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:17
abak lagche
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:17
khub kharap
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:18
tumi patol tolbe
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:19
e ki hoi ?
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:20
ke bollo ?
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:21
satti bolcho naki ?
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:22
Cock was giving egg
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:24
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:25
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:25
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:27
fish was climbing tree
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:27
a fish was climbing tree
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:27
one fish was climbing tree
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:28
bird swim under water
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:29
dil manta nahi
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:31
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:33
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:34
i love nature
mayur35 2010/02/06 03:35
i am crazzy about it
Replies: 53

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