SEND FAST FREE SMS by bhidex 2010/01/19 16:25
For a start Go to n start sending free n fast sms across d world.

pricy 2010/05/31 08:26
4 mtn, glo & zain free sms try dis [link][/link]
pricy 2010/05/31 08:28
Idoge1 2010/05/31 21:13
Wel i dnt
Solostino 2010/06/02 07:07
Thanks alot.
Princecharles 2010/06/24 23:35
U be real guy okay
Rehmatkhan96 2010/06/25 02:09
Hi dear
Rehmatkhan96 2010/06/26 09:02
Hi every body
Dekinso 2010/07/05 11:15
nangwang 2010/07/05 23:03
Okay very well there
Fluxion 2011/02/06 10:29
Omo aye
Manal 2011/07/14 23:06
will check it
Replies: 51

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