Message to All 2wapworldlers... by TheMouse 2010/01/08 19:52
This wonderful message I want to share with all... -strelka-

jaQui 2010/01/08 20:10
Me also Love Me /smiley
Manal 2010/01/08 21:39
Ya I love Me too
_dreamprince_ 2010/01/08 22:28
Hay /smiley/smiley all buddies i will be offline till sunday morning and i miss u all /smileysee u again
xHasanx 2010/01/08 23:00
Saintless 2010/01/08 23:18
No, too bad I don't love myself.
-SwEeThArT- 2010/01/08 23:36
Quote: Saintless: No, too bad I don't love myself.


OceanGoddes 2010/01/09 01:47
I truly lov me
saab 2010/01/09 03:12
i love me /smiley
_ARviN_ 2010/01/09 04:25
. /smiley
CHUBUL_PANDEY 2010/01/09 05:05
I'm confused/smiley
twinkling 2010/01/09 05:12
I also lv me /smiley
Ziegovic 2010/01/09 08:53
I luv myself too!
SLEEKGURL 2010/01/09 15:22
Grammar /smiley
_shihab_ 2010/01/09 15:36
missing u my friend /smiley
TheMouse 2010/01/09 15:37
Quote: sleekguy: Grammar /smiley
Yeah, wiseguy, already me know that /smiley

Nnakwe 2010/01/09 16:16
It's cool knowing that u ar loved but rather disheartening to love not be loved in return perharps i love u any way.
TheMouse 2010/01/09 16:43
Quote: Nnakwe: It's cool knowing that u ar loved but rather disheartening to love not be loved in return perharps i love u any way.
oh, don't worry, friend, I want them to have love for themselves, not me. /smiley

S-Aircraft 2010/01/09 16:47
Yeah,i lov me
Luvlinxewosky 2010/01/09 17:55
I love me too.
Monsur-16 2010/01/10 18:52
Me love i
Replies: 37

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