Islam is only true religion by NAZEEM 2009/12/21 18:18
Islam is fastest growth religion of world is prove islam is only true religion and Allah swt is only true almighty God of universe.

DotmonKing 2009/12/22 17:21
Quote: AJEY: ok, than let me to help you with your logic /smiley
as christianity has largest no. of followers in todays world, so why not this a true religion at all?? /smiley
and as christianity is biggest religion of todays world, it means few decades or a century earliear it was the FASTEST GROWING RELIGION for centuries, does this means christianity was true religion than time and now become false religion?? /smiley
and when christianity was a FASTEST GROWING RELIGION than time Islam was a FALSE RELIGION and now it become true religion?? How can a false religion be comes a true religion, if it grows fastest? How can a true religion becomes false, if it grows fast or faster?? /smiley
Since the inception of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) the growth of Islam cnt be compared to any other religion. Christian are more today cos they've been in existence about 570 years b4 Islam. And look at the margin today, its not much. In the next 100 years, surely Islam would have surpassed

DotmonKing 2009/12/22 17:25
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Its on Topic she is giving her opinion! Whats she believes.
of course, i expected a collaboration. Haha

DotmonKing 2009/12/22 17:31
Quote: n1ks: Heavens No/smiley Kumz, I never said that The Hinduism is the only true religion in this world, neither hindu scriptures states something like that. Only muslims says that their religion is the best. And I m not sure but i don't think Gautam Buddha ever said that only buddhiests will be accepted on the judgement day. But on the other hand Prophet mohammed clearly said that "Only Islam will be accepted on the judgement day"

affirmative! Islam is a religion of Certainty and only the righteous christians, jews and sarbians who served the One True God before the coming of prophet Muhammed p.b.u.h will make heaven along with the muslims.
Allah is not pleased with a servant who denies faith.

DaRk_AvEnGeR 2009/12/22 17:54
Quote: n1ks: lol, we have TV and condoms and every other birth control facility, but if you are dying to increase the polulation of your religion then these things can't help much./smiley

You will be surprised to know how sensitive they are about this thing, In some rural areas of India, Muslim clerics tell their brethren to shun the polio vaccine, calling it evil and part of a conspiracy by the Hindu-dominated government to limit the birth rate of Muslims, India's largest minority. About 90% of new polio cases were in the majority Muslim state of Andhra Pradesh. Nearly two years after radical Islamic preachers told parents to refuse to have their children vaccinated against polio for fear it was part of a U.S. plot against Muslims. A Muslim man has divorced his wife for administering polio drops to their son in a West Bengal village because of superstition that the vaccine could render the baby impotent.

Limit of ignorant and illitracy.

Are these things, Illitracy, Poverty and Ignorant makes Islam the best religion.


Xtian4real 2009/12/22 20:31
Bein a xtiam or muslim is not the issue. But the issue is ar we practicing wat our religion preach.
Xtian4real 2009/12/22 20:33
Bcoz d dont av control at wich d giv birth
Xtian4real 2009/12/22 20:35
Fastest or not. How many wil mak heaven
Xtian4real 2009/12/22 20:40
God created heaven & earth. B 4 d world he is in existance. Nd b4 abraham jesus was.
superstark 2009/12/22 23:13
Islam is only true religion...why it is only true, cause no one teach it to one bother to tell the truth to me, how can it be true for me? I see many terror and scared pplz, perhaps that why it grow...

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/23 02:55
Quote: DotmonKing: of course, i expected a collaboration. Haha
Why would I she deletes my off topic posts too or haven't you noticed that? ....I expect you wouldnt have.

DotmonKing 2009/12/23 07:01
Quote: n1ks: Lol, I think you are habited to take criticism as an praise. Do you have any idea, what Prophet Mohammed's this statement shows? That shows how narrow minded he was in comparison to Gautam Buddha. Think about it.

do you know sumting about you unbelievers? U always look for people who'l tell u their heart desires and for the fact that muslims dont mix their heart desires with the words of Allah. U take Islam to be ur worst enermy. I dont question the will of Allah cos i understand that i dont have the reasoning capacity to do so. No mankind ever had, none has and none will ever have just becos He is our Creator

DotmonKing 2009/12/23 07:03
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Why would I she deletes my off topic posts too or haven't you noticed that? ....I expect you wouldnt have.
perhaps it was just a decoy

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/23 07:16
Quote: DotmonKing: perhaps it was just a decoy
And perhaps you shouldn't be so paranoid bro...look I respect you and your religion..despite what you may think, but i will have my opinions on certain issues which is a basic right of anybody to question. Thats all.

Muwale 2009/12/23 14:21
To me christianity is the only true religion because almost all scriptures in the bible have been fulfilled. How many scriptures have been fulfilled in the koran.
Muwale 2009/12/23 14:22
That is how to know the religion God supports.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/12/24 01:56
Quote: n1ks: Let me tell you one thing very clear, i don't hate muslims or Islam. I have a lots of muslim friends and almost everyone of them thinks that there are many things in your religion that are wrong and should not be followed. I don't know why you peoples are critically narrow minded. Why you peoples don't want to accept that Islam is not everything. there are a lots of more things too. you peoples could not celebrate, you peoples could not greet, you peoples could not listen music, you peoples could not drink. Is there anything you can do for fun? Your preachers are making new and silly definitions of Islam and you peoples are following them like a blind man. Its time to wake up and see the world through a different view, its time to think logically. Stop being a blind follower. And use the best gift Allah has given to all of us, "Free Will", "Our Mind", " Power to think".

How can they? they are slaves to God where is their free will really? /smiley

Kumz 2009/12/24 17:12
Quote: n1ks: Fee will, Must be somewhere, hidden behing fake believes and faith, afraid of coming out.

It's a FEE will...gotta pay for it at the end of the day.../smiley

Ramraj 2009/12/25 03:03
ISLAM is d only true religion
Ramraj 2009/12/25 03:06
ISLAM is d only true religiondat will be acceptable on d day of sallam.peace of ALMIGHTY ALLAH will be wit u
Toyz 2009/12/25 09:22
It is written that anybody who denies the message that a TRUE God's messenger brought during his lifetime. The person is hellbound. As Muhammed was the last of God's prophets, his religion is the truth 4 our generation and beyond. That is ISLAM
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