Planting of trees by _dreamprince_2009/12/16 15:23 Hi:) As v all know trees give us oxygen and of which v all live but as the growth of city town or village depends of industry and building of roads and all other requirements so the people cut trees.So what i am telling u is that post a -tree- in this topic and plant a plant in real it will be useful for more people.For tree do it like this -tree -and no gaps:-)
superstark2009/12/18 06:05 i plant two trees, and they big now Its nice to thnk back on that day. and sometime sum1 might catch a breath in its shade...they might wonder how the shade got there, or take it for granted
-TheCoOLBoY-2009/12/18 06:07 Hey i too plant in my gardn
Boet2009/12/19 20:25 On two ocasions we planted trees in a nearby disadvantaged township.and both times it was stolen overnight and sold to nurseries further away to get money for drugs!
Dbest2009/12/20 13:02 Plantin of trees helps brings gud ventilatn.
EloraM232009/12/21 11:30 In Australia we have plant a day, we also have adopt a
amos732009/12/21 14:55 SHOULD A ENCOURAGE IN OUR SOCIETY