Your best musician by Tesi 2009/12/14 06:14
Music is gud bt den wat makes it gud is the musician and the biting he/she use who is ur best musician post

ACIDized 2010/02/26 18:36
kurt cobain
THE_SPEAR_KING 2010/02/26 20:49
late ustad bismillah khan shahab
Nellybaba 2010/03/02 14:35
Dbanj 4rn 9ja
rahuL09 2010/03/02 20:30
a r rahman
Charleslaw 2010/03/03 05:37
Lil wayne
Phoebe3 2010/03/04 17:28
Alice Cooper. He sing that is very brutal our Planet.
Hunter-D 2010/03/04 21:02
Roger Waters-Pink Floyd
Phoebe3 2010/03/05 08:01
I have many best music-Queen,s all music.
Seafarer 2010/03/07 02:55
Pritam is d master borrower.
Wilkinson 2010/03/07 07:07
Boydinho 2010/03/07 20:50
Dbanj of nigeria
Affecti0nate 2010/03/08 14:35
J0se marie chan
sikas 2010/03/08 14:56
Boring,pipo are saying musicians we don't know about. tok about intenational artists mates! any way it is a dificot situation u creating coz everyone will mention an artist who is local in their country and it won't make sense to me or u unless if he or she is international. example am from Zambia Africa and if I say my local artist like 'SlapD' does it make sense?
Harmony20 2010/03/08 16:35
I love 2pac
Aloymookz 2010/03/08 17:56
2pac is ma man
Soul.papa 2010/03/09 00:49
Beyonce & Rihanna
virus96 2010/03/12 05:30
Micheal jackson
virus96 2010/03/12 11:39
Sarcodina 2010/03/14 04:20
Terry G from nigeria
Buchi 2010/03/14 16:59
Replies: 89

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