Prayers by Blaz 2009/12/11 17:00
Prayer is a form of religious practice that seeks to activate a volitional connection to some greater power in the universe through deliberate intentional practice. Prayer may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. It may involve the use of words, song, or complete silence. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creedal statement. There are different forms of prayer such as petitionary prayer, prayers of supplication, thanksgiving, and worship/praise. Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit, deceased person, for the purpose of worshiping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing sins or to express one's thoughts and emotions. Thus, people pray for many reasons such as personal benefit or for the sake of

post here the most common Prayers in your Religion and Reasons.

sameer5577 2012/03/20 16:00
Prayer is d brain of religion
Yizreel 2012/03/23 17:28
In Hebrew- ... Kadosh Adonai Elohei Tzva'ot. Asher Hay, v'Hover, v'Yavo. Translated - holy is our God of hosts. Who Was, and Who is , and who is to come ?
Yizreel 2012/03/29 05:44
Sorry , it must be a ! And not a ?
vaishuvini 2016/08/25 05:09
I really agree with. Then pray for heart
ArjunPratap 2016/09/01 14:47
Quote: Barbiecute: har desh mai tu har vesh mai tu . tere naam anek tu ek hi hai . teri rang bhoomi hai ye vishv dhara har khel mai mail mai tu hi tu hai


stephenjuwle 2017/06/30 22:49
there lord i'm here to praise you because some people go sleep they not wake up.but i go sleep i wake up,i was not the one that wake myself up,you was the one that wake me papay you are worthy to be praise.
stephenjuwle 2017/06/30 23:03
we conunicate to God five way's.(1)prayer(2)singing(3)playing instrumenetal(4)prayers(5)worshiping.
Shien 2017/07/01 06:05
Let me not pray to be sheltered from danger,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain,
but for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
but for the patience to win my freedom

Adamtey 2017/08/14 19:39
The Holy Bible Is My Weapon
matthew13660 2019/08/11 22:17
my weapon be the word
itzmhizyolanda 2019/08/24 08:57
De LORD's prayer is commonly said because dat was de prayer dat our LORD JESUS taught us to pray.
HOGINI-KAYODE 2021/09/02 09:37
Real, bee he ni bobo, o che. Oloorun dee tuun maa nngboo haduuraha nii onii ruu nruu hede
PATIENCE12 2021/09/02 17:16
Prayer Is The Communication Point Between The Spirit Man And God's Spirit And It Is The Master Key Because The Lord Jesus When He Was On This Earth To Start His Ministry,He Began With Prayer And Ended With Prayer,That Was About 2000yrs Ago When He Paid The Price On The Cross For Us Sinners,He Still Interceded On Our Behalf And Through It All,He Never Sinned But Looked Up To The Heavenly Father When He Was About To Die,He Said" Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do".As Far As God Almighty Is Concerned,There Is No Other We Need To Pray To But Him Alone.In Prayer,It Is God's Spirit That Takes Over Man's Spirit And Gives Man The Grace And Desire To Pray So We Have Spirit Filled Prayer Where We Are Led To Get In Contact With God For God's Word Says Pray Without Ceasing So We Talk To God In Prayer With Total Submission,Devotional,Humility And This Makes Him Give Heed To The Voice Of Our Supplication.
PATIENCE12 2021/09/02 17:18
Prayer Is The Communication Point Between The Spirit Man And God's Spirit And It Is The Master Key Because The Lord Jesus When He Was On This Earth To Start His Ministry,He Began With Prayer And Ended With Prayer,That Was About 2000yrs Ago When He Paid The Price On The Cross For Us Sinners,He Still Interceded On Our Behalf And Through It All,He Never Sinned But Looked Up To The Heavenly Father When He Was About To Die,He Said" Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do".As Far As God Almighty Is Concerned,There Is No Other We Need To Pray To But Him Alone.In Prayer,It Is God's Spirit That Takes Over Man's Spirit And Gives Man The Grace And Desire To Pray So We Have Spirit Filled Prayer Where We Are Led To Get In Contact With God For God's Word Says Pray Without Ceasing So We Talk To God In Prayer With Total Submission,Devotion,Humility And This Makes Him Give Heed To The Voice Of Our Supplication.
Hogini-Adeyinminka 2021/09/03 10:36
Help me oh lord and forgive my sins
PATIENCE12 2021/09/03 20:43
Prayer Creates A Spiritual Atmosphere For God To Dwell In.It Is The Key,The Master Key,When The Lord Jesus Started His Earthly Ministry,He Began With Prayer And Ended With Only Prayer.His Last Word Before Returning To Heaven Is"WATCH AND PRAY"So That U May Not Fall Into Temptation.
Replies: 116

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