What is Friendship by LoneLy_heArt 2009/12/06 10:44
Friendship is a strong & habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of each other

LoneLy_heArt 2010/01/10 08:11
Friend who cares and loves u without any hesitation
amos73 2010/01/10 14:34
friendship means the interaction of love
kevina1 2010/01/11 01:57
its a bond between people who share their happy n sad time with one another.
Rasheed1992 2010/01/11 03:23
Quote: ellaiZa: Frienshp means making s0me0ne who believes he/she is al0ne, delighted and secure.
u're always rite

LoneLy_heArt 2010/01/12 17:29
Friendspip means good relationship between two persons
LoneLy_heArt 2010/01/20 13:58
Quote: Rhanie: Flriendshp,mean more than you knw for we share,something special.that lasting anad deep-- A friendship to cherish! A friendship to keep! /smiley
it is true

loverboy4u 2010/01/22 06:42
friendship makes one lost life nd friendship makes one gain life also friendship is a game .
loverboy4u 2010/01/22 06:47
2 much money 2 much wahala, problem
loverboy4u 2010/01/22 06:50
jesus is lord
Waxi 2010/01/22 21:18
A true friend s 1 dat makes u smile 4rm a dirtance dat apreciats d God s given potencials n u. 1 dat defend u n ur apsentc & piks u up wen u 4ll
Waxi 2010/01/22 21:23
A true friend s 1 dat makes u smile 4rm a dirtance dat apreciats d God s given potencials n u. 1 dat defend u n ur apsentc & wont alow u hit d ground wen u 4ll a gud friend wuld kom bail u out of sail but a true wll b sitng next 2 u sayng ...man we fuckt up
Mayakareena 2010/01/31 11:15
Friendship is a medium to know people
Ravikumar08 2010/02/01 03:36
Quote: ellaiZa: Frienshp means making s0me0ne who believes he/she is al0ne, delighted and secure.
RIGHt. .

ASHISH2 2010/02/02 07:55
friendship is that in which human care another human by all types
LoneLy_heArt 2010/02/02 09:07
A perso who cares other person that care creats friendship
etka 2010/02/02 14:56
trusted person that is close to you
LoneLy_heArt 2010/02/21 16:06
Friendship is a good realationship
Vetkoek 2010/02/21 20:27
Its priceless
single 2010/02/22 12:07
friendship is When 2 people depends on each other
LoneLy_heArt 2010/03/12 11:44
Good relationship/smiley
Replies: 89

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