WHT R U DOING TO PROTECT THE EARTH N d NATURE? by COOL182009/11/28 13:44 Hv u ever taken even a small step to protect d earth n for d benefit of nature.if yes,plz tel us so dat others also get inspired.if not,then y not?
donprecious2010/12/20 12:22 stop d cutting down of tress
Kanchan2010/12/21 23:53 i d0n't litter. . n our family always take part in earth hour. simple yet a helpful act.
SkY2k2015/11/07 20:26 I don't smoke,or consume alcohol, so for one I'm not polluting the air with second hand smoke,and I'm not throwing away cigerette butts and beer or alcohol bottles...
Smarty2015/11/21 23:32 Would you ever do it? I am sorryto hear that you are not throwing away cigerette butts and beer or alcohol bottles.