Armerican or chinese movie by Lilsaint 2009/11/07 07:00
Which will u watch first,a chinese movie or an american movie.

BrAvE 2011/08/11 08:06
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 09:15
wiLLyRockz 2011/09/13 18:15
dpnd on mood
____THe.bosS 2011/09/29 07:21
I lyk kung fu of chINESE, and acti0n And thrilL of american
TemPEST 2011/11/11 07:24
American movie will always come first,4 me
Bettle 2011/12/01 02:19
SugarpLum 2012/01/02 13:54
american movie
Senior11 2012/01/03 01:14
Quote: blu: American
same here

sagy086 2012/01/03 19:03
Cmpunk 2012/01/15 15:51
I like kung fu of Chinese movie and horror of American movie
GhAyAl 2012/01/16 16:41
K_shaka 2012/01/17 16:10
american thriller...of my best characters.
Zibra 2012/01/18 03:22
I lov chinese movies
Prajjwol 2012/01/26 04:33
Chinese movie is great.
Male1974 2012/02/02 03:47
american movie,i cant understand chinese unless subtitled.
Okikiola 2012/02/06 01:58
Seems Chinese are becoming famous now. Much sold
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2012/02/08 22:19
American- action /smiley
Manal 2012/10/11 06:01
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 12:53
SAFDAR 2013/09/28 10:23
Chiness movie
Replies: 84

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