Global warming !! by Basim360 2009/11/02 08:11
The recent studies shows with in years maldives will b under water.
There is no one control this except us. Because the youth changes society

_dreamprince_ 2009/11/24 02:11
Hi see here its another about pollution control topic id: 1950773/smiley
redbLue 2009/11/24 03:51
/smiley /smiley /smiley
EloraM23 2009/11/24 04:35
Quote: Annabelle: Global warming or high atmospheric temperature causes major climatic changes that disrupt natural ecosystem of many plants and animals.It also causes the melting of polar ice cap and glaciers which increase the sea level and flood low-lying coastal lands and causes water 2 evaporate fastr frm soil that would result 2 drought and low productivity in both water and soil.
That's very true. Just recently an extremely large iceberg was found to have broken off.

twinkling 2009/11/24 06:17
Its nature
Munnabhai 2009/11/24 06:28
nw a days we r playing wit nature n in future its results r too bad fo us so we should take care of nature n take care of their rules n regulations
EpIcInCoGnItO 2009/11/24 07:40
magnet 2009/11/24 08:02
Quote: jacki: It,s nature/smiley
its not because of nature coz we r pollutn global warmng/smiley

Manal 2009/11/24 09:52
Just reduce Fart its also toxic/smiley
Sammydee_ng 2009/11/24 10:42
Lets suffer 4 our concequence
El-jay 2009/11/24 13:59
If only der cud be an alternative n cheap source of energy,we cn stop burning fuel.cos itz hard 2 tel evry1 to stop usin we cn help by avoidin burnin of refuse.
beautifuldreamer 2009/11/30 05:50
We are spoiled by our polluters. Cars,planes,etc. We will have to find alternative resources to burn.
Phoebe3 2009/12/04 12:02
Yes ,is good the hot weath.
Elfuego 2009/12/08 18:42
It's apocalypse. . . D end is near
LoneLy_heArt 2009/12/09 06:16
For green House effect
Phoebe3 2009/12/09 07:25
No glob.w
idowu 2010/02/17 23:16
Oh ok
m.j 2010/02/18 01:40
I think we shuld do sumtin about it.
NeLaM_DEwinTa_puTri 2010/02/18 09:25
Global warming? Save or world! Hot, hot, hot! /smiley /smiley Oh, my world! -hothorny-
Nazish88 2010/02/22 16:09
Everything said but nothin done..nly a bunch of wisemen cant reduce it.
ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ 2010/02/25 14:35
Quote: Nazish88: Everything said but nothin done..nly a bunch of wisemen cant reduce it.
very very true bro, and i'm glad you said that, as agreed, all it takes is the 8 or 10 suits of the so called wise men at their g8 or g10 summits to make a difference with agreements on reducing pollution, but at the end of the day, these so called summits results in them promising to But back, but by say 2018 etc etc, and some countries refusing totally, due to not enough "incentives" financially being laid out on the table. . . They want to only express a will to cut back, only if its financially pleasing, which i can to a point understand in some developing countries that need financial assistance in replacing old industrial technology with newer greener technologies, but when you get filthy rich countries still digging in their heals, not agreeing to sign up or cut back, then you have to ask yourself, whats the point, when these so called wise men, are the most unwise ever? What about when its all too late? Alot of agreements reached now as some become weary, can be deemed little too late, but thats just the way it is i guess.

Replies: 48

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