Mtn free browsing by Lecxy2009/10/29 23:51 Homepage ip address= port 80 pw=web un=web bearer after setting as personal now go back to ur web and go and select mtn d personal should be at d default dont activate default for al if u have any problem about dis contact me.
Nattyboy2010/07/05 22:18 I wil help u gyz with bolt and ucweb but 4 opera am tired of writin use diz 4 ur 4rnt query datz wat am usin now.time 2 slep
noblex92010/07/06 12:22 U better leave and follow me swagger 4 cheat tenth and latest ginger dey swagger. That two places never dull. But b/4 have this use dis ips; to crt a prov. And but dis in d custom or server; and ten browse wrks wit crdit bt wil neva cut ur crdit.