a perfect Movie by praveenraza 2009/10/19 10:42
What you think ? What type of movie you like most ? The movie contains horror or romance or thriller or sex or comedy or your view..? write whatever you want in a movie...! or your thought about the good movie or your favorite movie...!

Manal 2011/08/01 23:08
some suspence
PowerBOND 2011/08/04 15:10
A movie which teaches the youth to go in a good n right way..like 3 idiots, lage raho munna bhai etc
BrAvE 2011/08/11 07:59
I like the horror and action
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 09:28
i lyk mu v vch has story nt sex
wiLLyRockz 2011/09/13 18:05
mstly lyk horror nd xon ..
wiLLyRockz 2011/11/26 11:00
.....ol typ lolzzz
TemPEST 2011/11/27 06:43
I like horror accompanied with comedy
Ranbir 2011/11/28 00:33
I like action and comedy movie
prabu 2011/12/01 09:44
gay videos
PowerBOND 2011/12/04 05:55
3 idiots and dabang
madmax11 2011/12/05 12:15
janelovescoookies 2011/12/07 19:36
** Fav movie will be Paranormal Activity!!!!** /smiley Freaky as hell tho..*8o
Manal 2012/09/29 18:17
action and suspence
yash_kumar 2012/09/30 07:20
Horror Movie
_Ritesh rockx_ 2012/10/01 11:19
I like action+romantice movie
SAFDAR 2014/01/14 06:52
i like action type movies
Replies: 56

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