Speeding up Windows XP like never before by opened85 2009/10/16 14:55
This topic gonna teach u how to speed up Windows XP. For the first, I am not believe this. But, when I try it, it's really2 works for my PC. I got this formula from Kris Mainieri by email. It's very easy steps. U can download this handbook if u want to learn self. Download here http://rapidshare.com/files/75826351/PC_Secret_Formula.rar

Sivakumar 2009/10/17 01:14
These all i already done bro but thanks it will help others.
Maclanry 2009/10/17 01:23
Thanks for the info
Heavens_DeviL 2009/10/17 01:53
Its really time 2 move on. Windows 7 is knocking the doors
BoUgEnVilLe 2009/10/17 02:10
GrEat../smiley..i'lL trY dAt..
ShArE m0rE tipS 0f PC if U hv..

opened85 2009/10/17 04:16
Quote: Sivakumar: These all i already done bro but thanks it will help others.


AcaJoe 2009/10/17 05:02
Then you have to store your data on a network, that is checked for illegal content, which means that your data is not private. No thank you!!!
opened85 2009/10/21 11:10
I hope u try this formula pc....
Topcat1 2009/10/29 21:25
Dude u ROCK !
craazy 2011/10/20 07:51
THANKS /smiley
Replies: 29

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