Voicemail 101 by Angel 2009/09/17 00:28
Hey hey! 2wappers, have you heard your friend's, gf's or bf's voice? Or you want them to hear yours? Now's the time, "record your message(or maybe a song, if you have a singing voice)" and attach it here. Don't forget to say to whom that record is for. And btw, please no offensive messages. xo

(a topic a day, keeps the forum alive :p)

sidzlifez 2009/09/23 17:53
hey yo anybody out hea
stephenlouis 2009/09/24 10:22
Ok i'll atach mine,soon..
Meltdown 2009/09/26 05:57
I don't like singing
Musafir 2009/09/28 05:57
Quote: rhowZz: okay., i recorded these two songs a month ago.,/smiley
i dedicate these to all my buddies coz i know they're all curious to hear my cracking voice.,/smiley

I heard your voice really like singer /smiley

ImmaBE 2009/10/01 11:05
Well, here's my voice.,.

Mz_un1qu3 2009/10/01 14:23
Quote: cuteabhi: i got her cell number ....lolx.../smiley
wherZ ua reCOrdn hmmM?? /smiley

landz 2009/10/03 02:48
h0w i can attach 0ne?
Ringword 2009/10/03 13:32
Ringword 2009/10/03 13:32
Angel 2009/10/05 22:45
guys, dont just post hea. Please attach your record. thank you. xx
nipz143 2009/10/09 07:45
How to attach a voice? Ne xtra charge will b need?
SHOE 2009/10/11 16:00
I like it
sidzlifez 2009/10/20 15:43
How can i do dat! /smiley
Etinosa22 2009/10/26 05:32
I can i set my voicemail


Po10c-Angel 2009/10/27 11:17
2 da ppl who dont knw: If ur phone has a recorder then record ur voice msg then simply post here and then click the A next 2 ur nic once u have posted and then upload ur voice msg which u previously recorded 2 ur phone! /smiley
dim_star 2011/02/19 22:12
Quote: Aleen: no..its the sound of an airplane crashed! Lolz

gRim_ReapeR 2011/02/20 07:26
shweet, mine is coming up soon
_SUPERBRAT_ 2011/03/05 08:10
ok let me attach mine ere /smiley
Xtr3m3_4_3va 2011/03/05 08:12
Ok i wil be back
Musafir 2011/09/26 09:02
i will record my soon
Replies: 85

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