I love my.....? by Garg 2009/09/06 19:15
** I love my......... Fill this dotted by any one name which u love most...Frm direct ur heart...:giftheart:

Samuel099 2014/11/28 04:17
I love God
lonely_S2 2014/11/28 04:18
i S2 my parents
Robert3 2014/12/06 07:06
my Wales terrier ...,
wiLLyRockz 2014/12/07 06:16
i luv maslf /smiley
Raks~RoCks 2014/12/18 20:30
I love my parents
Georginia 2014/12/19 17:56
I love my two big brothers.
Samuel099 2014/12/30 17:19
I love my family and friends.
Smarty 2016/03/30 05:10
You love your. What do you like about it so much? My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input. Have you ever been to Europe? Do you prefer books or TV?
zugzwang 2016/03/31 15:57
i love my Fanti
stephenjuwle 2016/04/01 10:45
I love my country.
Replies: 30

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