Kasiyahan sa 2wap by rhowZz 2009/08/29 10:33
Mga pinoy/pinay., bertdey ni mommy Trueblue q! party people na! yeah!-dance3-

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/05 07:27
Quote: FaceLesS: buffy? do u like vampires?/smiley
d b obvious /smiley buffy d vampire slayer lol

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/05 07:30
Quote: yashierz: Ala.. Ate ko.. Ate ko. Kahit hule n ako. Ape burthday padin. Kw padin ate q at cmpre dpt aq lang ang bunso m0 dito.. /smiley

inangko po at kumapit pa sa beywang ang bunso sa pagbati /smiley gawin natin 1 taon etong bday ko kaya dalawin nyo to lagi /smiley

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/05 07:32
Quote: ThyWillBeDone: talaga 2ng c maki kht kelan wlang alm,haha
busy lang za sa studies nya fwen/smiley

rhowZz 2009/09/05 11:22
Quote: tRuEbLuE: baby ko comedy dancer yan ende macho dancer -hahaha-

eh aq n lng kya mommy!?
gan2 po b? >>>-sexy- .,-hahaha-

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/05 11:29
Quote: InSeNsiTiVe:

eh aq n lng kya mommy!?
gan2 po b? >>>-sexy- .,-hahaha-
-hahaha- d mo bagay baby /smiley kung makita m lang sana pano yan kabilis sa laptop m22wa ka hahaha

BoUgEnVilLe 2009/09/07 05:05
SiS.. WAt r U cElEbrAte herE??/smiley
rhowZz 2009/09/07 05:15
Quote: BoUgEnVilLe: SiS.. WAt r U cElEbrAte herE??/smiley

it was Trueblue's birthday.,hehe.

BoUgEnVilLe 2009/09/07 06:46
Wahh TrUeBlUe.. Hepy bElAtEd BirthdAY t0 U..
i d0nt hv evEn a gift 4 U /smiley

i gv U hEart../smiley..

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/07 07:34
Quote: rhowZz:

it was Trueblue's birthday.,hehe.
fr0m n0w 0n we wil celebr8 ol pin0ys bday here /smiley

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/07 07:35
Quote: BoUgEnVilLe: Wahh TrUeBlUe.. Hepy bElAtEd BirthdAY t0 U..
i d0nt hv evEn a gift 4 U /smiley

i gv U hEart../smiley..
*tnx* sweety, u 4g0t u gr8d me 0n my bday /smiley

Truecolors 2009/09/07 14:53
Hapy pansit day! L8 na aq, la n ba leftovers?/smiley
tRuEbLuE 2009/09/07 15:01
Quote: Truecolors: Hapy pansit day! L8 na aq, la n ba leftovers?/smiley
cn0 b sun0d mgbday at maglu2 tau pancit /smiley

FaceLesS 2009/09/07 15:12
whole week of birthday?/smiley
tRuEbLuE 2009/09/07 15:14
Quote: FaceLesS: whole week of birthday?/smiley
hole yr yan /smiley

tRuEbLuE 2009/09/08 07:32
bukas thywillbebirthday /smiley
FaceLesS 2009/09/08 18:14
Quote: tRuEbLuE: hole yr yan /smiley

i think until the end of this thread?/smiley

SWEET_ANGEL 2009/09/09 03:46


VIP 2009/09/09 19:17
2wap rokz ol tym
tRuEbLuE 2009/09/10 06:53
rock 2wap but don't rock the boat, we might get drowned /smiley
tRuEbLuE 2009/09/15 08:28
Birthday ni sugarless ngaun. Lets party to0!
Replies: 87

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