The Fair Quiz! by
rhowZz 2009/08/23 06:08
Simply answer all my questions.,
1st to gain 5 points will receive 200+s
Questions are not GOOGLEable!-hahaha-
Fair enough eh??!?
Everybody is allowed to join!*cheer*
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 06:56
lol.. y0u win
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 06:58
hehe.. m0re!
Okay u got 0points! CONGRATULATIONS!

hi5 1000 c0ngratulati0n!
rhowZz 2009/08/23 06:59
Who wants more??!???!?!
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:00
real name.. r0salinda ayam0r..
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:01
rhowZz: Who wants more??!???!?!

rhowZz 2009/08/23 07:03
okay., now every correct answer., u'll get 50+s
who likes that??
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:04
new rule: L.A.T. - lose a turn.. pinky, y0u lat.. hehe
rhowZz 2009/08/23 07:04
i think u'r the only one left here.,
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:06
r0wz, y0u invite m0re.. lat muna c pinky,crysty
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:07
new rule: L.A.T. - lose a turn.. pinky is lat.. hehehe
rhowZz 2009/08/23 07:07
haha., i'll juz shout the Qs.
ImmaBE 2009/08/23 07:08
lat muna c pinky
rhowZz: haha., i'll juz shout the Qs.

rhowZz 2009/08/23 07:10
Juz let her., everybody is allowed to join.
tRuEbLuE 2009/08/23 11:36
not GOOGLEable .,-hahaha-
its 2wapable
Replies: 109
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