What we wear 4 1st date..? by Garg 2009/08/20 08:09
Its all depnds upon ur choice...Which will b give ur more comfort..?

Barbiecute 2010/03/21 21:35
Well i hve no experienced so i cant tell
evil_inside 2010/03/21 23:14
4me a black or red simple dress w/c fit 2 my figure.
romeo1178 2010/03/23 03:49
food for eathing
Elfuego 2010/03/23 05:12
Simple decent attire
evil_inside 2010/03/23 16:32
simple n0r sexy enuf
WhiteLili 2010/03/24 02:01
Any kind of attire doesn't matter, as long as it is pleasant to look at, I believe. /smiley
Unic0rn_GirL 2010/03/25 06:45
romeo1178 2010/03/26 15:23
I prefare 2 wearing cap
Tinnaa 2010/03/26 20:42
Decent cloth
evil_inside 2010/03/26 20:51
simple n0r attractive
Vetkoek 2010/03/29 20:15
Preferably cloths
romeo1178 2010/03/29 21:41
Wearing correct clorth
Raul09 2010/03/29 22:03
i wud wear a shirt...blue/black jeans...a converse...datz all...simple nd sober.
BEAUTIFUL_GIRL4U 2010/03/30 00:43
Comfartable cloth
AMMU_SABY 2010/04/23 06:15
Jeans n cool tshrts
Skillz 2010/04/23 12:40
anything dat fits
InternetLord 2010/04/24 16:47
clothes /smiley
Solex4all 2010/04/25 14:21
Dnt any particulal wearing 4 date
Jamotech 2010/04/25 21:29
Wear cloth
_KJOE_ 2010/08/14 13:48
Replies: 52

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