Our Daily Bread by tRuEbLuE 2009/08/17 07:20
Passages to live by

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/17 07:41
Sing A New Song

*Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice and sing praises. Psalm 98:4

*I don't know about tomorrow,
Nor what coming days will bring;
But i know my Lord is with me,
And His praise my heart will sing - Fitzhugh

*A heart in tune with God sings melodies of praise.

opened85 2009/08/17 10:15
You are right buddy
tRuEbLuE 2009/08/18 05:33
Beware The Rupert

*Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. -2Corinthians 11:14

*Each day amid life's noisy throng
We're bound to hear this world's case
And if we are not alert to wrong
The Saviour's name we may disgrace- Dennis De Haan

*God's truth uncovers satan's lies
Don't be tricked by satan's ruperts

Devon 2009/08/20 13:33
That's True!
tRuEbLuE 2009/08/22 08:23
Its All About The Heart

*Things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart. - Matthew 15:18

*Lord, cleanse our hearts so what we speak
Will be reflective of your grace;
And help us to control our tongues
So we'll not bring on YOU disgrace. - Sper

Everytime you speak your mind is on parade.

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/22 08:37
I Know I Can

*GOD is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all the we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. - Ephesians 3:20

*GOD gives to HIS servants this promise:
You'll not have to face life alone;
And when you grow weak in your struggle
HIS strength will prevail - not your own. - Hess

*GOD's requirements are met any GOD's enabling.

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/22 08:54
Real Rewards

*Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs s the kingdom in heaven. - Matthew 5:3

*Let me go, for earth's fond pleasures soon will vanish and decay;
But the soul has richer treasures shining bright as cloudless day. - Bucks

*Dark trials will be rewarded by bright crowns.

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/22 09:10

*CHRIST has come according to the power of an endless life. - Hebrews 7:6

*The loss of health, finances, or relationships can make us feel as if our life has been destroyed. But for the believer, nothing could be further from the truth. Through our spiritual union with CHRIST, we have the promise that we'll share in HIS own indestructible life.(John 14:19) - Dennis Fisher

*Marvelous day, all suffering ended
Glorious bodies now like to HIS own
We will be kings and priests in GOD's kingdom
With glory and honor around the great throne. - Dixon

*Nothing can shake those who are secure in GOD's hand.

Devon 2009/08/22 18:24
Quote: tRuEbLuE: Indestructible

*CHRIST has come according to the power of an endless life. - Hebrews 7:6

*Marvelous day, all suffering ended
Glorious bodies now like to HIS own
We will be kings and priests in GOD's kingdom
With glory and honor around the great throne. - Dixon

*Nothing can shake those who are secure in GOD's hand.
That's TRUE, all Truely said and is happening and shall surely come to Pass.

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/24 16:54
Just Like David

*I acknowledge my transgressions. - Psalm 51:3

*Is sin stealing your joy and fellowship with the LORD? Like David, turn it over to HIM. - Dave Branon

*Our sinful ways can zap our joy and isolates us from the LORD;
Confession and repentance, though, provide the way to be restored. - Sper

*Repentance clears the way for us to walk with GOD.

tRuEbLuE 2009/08/24 17:18
Tell Your Story

*Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the LORD has done for you and how HE has compassion on you. - Mark 5:19

*Never underestimate the power of what GOD has done for you and don't be afraid to tell your story to others. - David C. Mac Casland

*Take control of my words today,
May they tell of YOUR great love;
And may the story of YOUR grace,
Turn some heart to you above. - Sees

*Sharing the gospel is one person telling another good news.

RaFa008 2009/08/27 15:41
Our daily bread BIBLE WORDS given by the heavenly father
naitris 2009/09/09 05:36
amen, ,
Ghecka 2009/09/09 20:03
Don0t overc0me by evil.
Nibras 2009/09/10 09:09
Do nt 4get, dat no any god xcept Allah(swt), he is the creator of everyting. May Allah guide us Amen.
JOESUNDAY 2009/09/11 04:10
is the fountain of my live
tRuEbLuE 2009/09/12 09:27
Lament For A Friend

> I am distressed for you my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me - 2Samuel 1:26

> When we grieve for a love one, it is vital to recall the cherished details and shared experiences of our lives together. Those memories flood our hearts with far more thoughts than any record can hold. The day that grief visits our hearts is not a time for short summaries and quick snapshots of our love one's life. It is a time to remember deeply, giving God thanks for the details, the stories, and the impact of an entire life. Its time to pause, reflect and honor. - Bill Crowder

> At journey's end take a long look back at the details of the story;
Take time to review the Godly life of your loved one now in glory. - Branon

> Precious memories of life can temper the profound sadness of death.

priceless 2009/09/13 14:02
Its not bad
aljur 2009/09/16 08:08
pray before sleeping so that blessings will come.
KINGSFORD 2009/09/22 20:08

Replies: 46

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