Bruce Li by Seether 2009/08/07 07:35
Was Bruce Li fastest man in the world? I think of coars was, and now there isnt any1 like him. Did u know that he made few steps on the water...

Sweet_Divyanka 2009/10/18 17:41
It was.I saw all movies with him and he remain the best karate actor for all times.
sH1vAm 2009/10/21 04:33
Real action hero......
POWERBALL 2009/10/21 21:15
He was very good and very fast.
Phoebe3 2009/12/08 18:33
Was best kung fu heroes.
Loriane 2009/12/09 06:28
bruce li,i like martial arts n his movie!
Dmx 2009/12/09 15:07
Quote: bad-apple: "enter the dragon" movie of his featured him doing a round kick which was shot in slow motion becoz initially he performed it so quick, the camera wasnt able to record it.
I agree

Jeir 2009/12/09 16:58
I Like bruce lee..
_rOcK_ 2009/12/09 17:12
He was the greatest man ever..........even six bullets would'nt pass through his body ........../smiley
Riddle 2009/12/10 04:24
May be li is using tricks , try jackie chan


Mayor1 2009/12/10 18:00
Yes i av never see a fighter like him


Fleet 2009/12/26 20:55
Can never be
Prince-Charming 2009/12/27 00:06
U mean d guy dat water comes out of his mouth wenever he's in action.
RedStar 2009/12/27 03:05
He's not the fastest. They do alot of tricks.


JATT_ON_HUNT 2009/12/27 04:00
Kya steal body c sale di mar gaya vichar
Maxima 2009/12/27 18:23
Yeah, he is fast
etka 2009/12/27 23:04
What realy killed him
JATT_ON_HUNT 2009/12/28 04:42
Happily 2009/12/28 09:36
I dnt watch is film
r0me0 2009/12/29 00:54
i like all of them bruce lee, jet lee, jacki chan, and tony jaw/smiley
AGONYandEXTASY 2010/03/20 00:10
/smiley /smiley

Replies: 78

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