Art or comers? by MaNmoJi 2009/07/19 04:30
Sumbody what u like job or bisnnes?

_drk_ 2009/07/29 16:37
councilin workers an children an solving problemz!
Govind.N 2009/07/30 02:41
Own management
MaDdY 2009/07/31 09:17
Business for high and more growth
Janan 2009/07/31 09:27
I like the policemen job and i will be an police officer one day hahahahahaha
MaNmoJi 2009/07/31 09:50
Quote: Janan: I like the policemen job and i will be an police officer one day hahahahahaha
police officer/smiley-scared- . . . .this is good job/smiley

Core_Condor 2009/08/09 09:10
already read it on a website almost 2 yrs b4. . . . .

Geet 2009/08/09 09:31
I wll go fr a job
Adisababa 2009/08/10 21:28
GilaKarya 2009/08/15 19:20
of coz art
Syadira 2009/08/17 14:22
Quote: Darksied: I like being student... Hehe he he.. I m still not into work.. .hahaha.
i agree wit u..

Monsur-16 2009/09/06 05:34
OceanGoddes 2009/09/06 15:38
I like bein my own boss. I stil studnt
AprilSnow 2009/09/08 13:01
I like both job n business so i'l have more money.
priceless 2009/09/10 05:59
Job or busineSs i thInk in fuTure
GhAyAl 2009/09/12 08:09
Any of businesS or job
ZiNeB 2009/09/15 13:24
homework ha ha
RONI 2009/09/18 12:23
Dr.rahul 2009/09/18 12:28
business i wont work under some one /smiley
ShAhZaDa 2009/09/18 12:47
Job is fine 4 me as business is much more riskey. .
Syadira 2009/09/18 21:59
Quote: Krillin9: I like being student... Hehe he he.. I m still not into work.. .hahaha.
me too..

Replies: 76

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