Art or comers? by MaNmoJi 2009/07/19 04:30
Sumbody what u like job or bisnnes?

MaNmoJi 2009/07/19 04:35
Doctor, engeniring all job, bissnnes, formoring, shop maker, army ,airforce,politicle, samajseva, n etc. . .n your mind in job ? to first chanj mile to don't miss!. .
Eternal_Knight 2009/07/19 06:39
I like being student... Hehe he he.. I m still not into work.. .hahaha.
PATSHEZ 2009/07/19 06:51
Who Likes business, then those can earn more, mixing artifical in2 origional.-hihihi-
MaDdY 2009/07/19 06:51
Business man of software
GhAyAl 2009/07/19 07:02
Science stUdEnt . . .
BoUgEnVilLe 2009/07/19 07:28
BuSsiNeSs iS bEttEr..bUt itS m0rE hArD..
RONI 2009/07/19 07:44
Give me a job wiht good many
jc_gear 2009/07/19 08:30
I like building h0uses!. . .
latrine 2009/07/19 08:42
Owning a strip club
Dashman 2009/07/19 08:43
chocolate.boy 2009/07/19 08:45
Work in software field
Bad.devil 2009/07/19 08:56
BUSINESS, u can do lots of good work 2 GROW ur society n 2 ur nation as wel...
Dave 2009/07/19 09:20
Quote: Bad.devil: BUSINESS, u can do lots of good work 2 GROW ur society n 2 ur nation as wel...
true man

SAGITTARIUS 2009/07/19 09:28
I'm already in business.
.ArSHX. 2009/07/25 04:20
Master of business administration
Milky 2009/07/25 04:33
im already also for a monkey business/smiley
fairy 2009/07/29 13:39
i want to build my own acc0unting firm
Laketempest 2009/07/29 16:25
I rather job. I am a man of the law catching criminals /smiley
_drk_ 2009/07/29 16:27
industrial psychologist
SHREE. 2009/07/29 16:36
instead of doing some job.. I'll go 4 an entrepreneur..
Replies: 76

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