Best Michael Jackson song by Facil4real 2009/07/14 23:17
Which song of mj do u luv most? Why?

Luikang 2010/07/10 21:00
smooth criminal bcos of the dance steps
Laketempest 2010/12/18 15:24
all his songs
_nICK_ 2010/12/19 03:16
-hahaha- hmmmmmm
olaniyiho 2011/01/01 13:32
donprecious 2011/01/01 14:15
rock ma world...
Ice-Fairy 2011/01/01 14:23
Black or white,bad nd scream.
kazzy 2011/05/06 07:42
Love4u@Lovk7 2011/05/11 04:06
Don' ask me i m not interet
InNoCeNT 2011/05/18 07:06
we will rock you... -dance1-
Phoebe3 2011/05/18 10:58
The Bad. /smiley
Merrymain1 2011/05/18 13:38
Heal the world.billy jean.hold ma hand.speechless.the way u make me feel.dnt stop till u get enough.beat it.and lots of em...i love his songs always
priceless 2011/05/19 02:46
Dengarous. . . . . .
SugarpLum 2011/05/19 11:15
We are the world & U r not alone..
prissyprincess1702 2011/05/21 11:19
almost all of his songs
BrAvE 2011/08/11 08:53
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 08:53
beat it
____THe.bosS 2011/09/30 17:43
Quote: Beautiful17: Heal the world, change the world, hearth sng, they dnt cre abt us, thriller, man in the mirror, u r nt alone, the way u make me feel, bad, smooth criminal, u rock my world. And many mre
Yeah mine fvT toO

wiLLyRockz 2011/11/26 11:11
u r not alone
Ranbir 2011/11/28 01:35
I wanna love u
Bettle 2011/12/01 02:12
Heal d world.
Replies: 85

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