Rihanna Songs by Saintless 2009/07/01 13:36
Unfaithful by Rihanna..

The st0ry 0f my Life,
SearChing f0r the riGht,
But it keeps av0iding me,
Sorr0w in my s0ul,
cAuse it seeMs thAt wr0ng,
Really l0ves my c0mpany,
He's m0re than a man,
And this is m0re than l0ve,
The reas0n that the sky is blue,
the cl0uds are r0llin in,
Because I'm g0ne again,
And t0 him I just can't be True..

And I kn0w that he kn0ws I'm UNFAITHFUL,
and it kills him inside,
To know that I am happy with some OTHER GUY!
I can see him Dyin'

Saintless 2009/07/01 13:43
I d0n't wanna d0 this anym0re,
I d0n't wanna be the reas0n why,
everytime I walk 0ut the the d0or,
I see hIm diE a lil m0re insiDe,
I d0n't wanna huRt hIm anym0re,
I d0n't wanna taKe aWay hIs liFe,
I d0n't waNna be...
A MurdErer..

I feel it in the air,
as I'm doin my hair,
preparin for another day,
a kiss up on my cheek,
he's here reluctantly,
as if I'm gonna be out late,
I say I won't be long, just hangin with the girls,
a lie I didn't have to tell,
because we both know,
where I'm about to go,
and we know it very well...

Saintless 2009/07/01 13:45
Our love, his trust,
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head,
get it over with..
I don't wanna do this.... Anym0re...

kolow12 2009/08/21 06:22
I feel it in the air,
Laketempest 2009/08/22 09:52
This is nice.
Tripple 2009/08/23 07:01
I like it
kayusfrank 2009/10/09 08:00
that's great.you verry good,i did like you to post another by rihanna.
Holumiedey 2009/10/11 05:58
Not so bad
_Farlash_89_ 2009/10/30 02:09
+.love dat soNg,..cAN u plz pozT d lyriX of rEhaB??teNkz.../smiley
Phill 2009/10/31 10:57
I feel d lyrics
karka 2009/11/01 14:07
Hello please can you give me the lyrics of rihanna (rehab) it is my favourite song.my email is karkaguslin@yahoo.fr
karka 2009/11/02 19:35
That very good i like these songs
babagana 2009/11/15 21:32
old school
dreamgirl.YNT 2009/11/16 10:58
JAMAL 2009/12/28 08:31
don't pon de replay
DoZi 2009/12/28 20:23
I lov this song
Quote: Saintless: Our love, his trust,
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head,
get it over with..
I don't wanna do this.... Anym0re...

Skillz 2009/12/29 07:02
Kool, are u a groupie?
ebby9z 2010/01/18 07:34
I also need rehab i luv the song
Lilsaint 2010/01/18 14:46
Thats great.


Merrymain1 2010/01/18 15:50
I love rihanna,and i like all her songs
Beejay07 2010/01/19 10:24
Pop d replay


Replies: 23

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