most famous CITIES in your COUNTRY by _rOcK_ 2009/06/02 21:15
i am from india and famous cities here are Mumbai , Kolkata , Banglore , Lucknow.......and many more......what about your country....let me have some knowledge of your country.....

6Mike9 2011/01/03 21:34
Sum Fantastic places in Cape alone are
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
Plattenberg Bay
Mossel Bay.
Too many places to mention in whole of S.Africa a Gr8 country a Gr8 ppl
a Gr8 destination.
Gr8 value for money wit Rand/Dollar exchange rate.

Joe_orion 2011/01/03 22:57
In ghana de famous cities are accra,tema,kumase,etc
Saphire_flames 2011/01/04 00:19
i am frm india
InternetLord 2011/01/04 09:10
nigerian famous city are portharcourt abuja owerri
Diksha05 2011/01/04 12:21
in Italy.......Milano,Rome,Napoli
vinsen 2011/01/04 21:21
i am from Nigeria Lagos is a famous in the world
Aman.Rana 2013/12/08 16:27
karchi 'pakistan'
Aman.Rana 2013/12/08 16:27
lahor 'pakistan'
Aman.Rana 2013/12/08 16:27
my city multan 'pakistan'
like-chat@ 2013/12/12 21:26
I am from Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, Mwanza and Arusha are some famous cities in my country
like-chat@ 2013/12/18 07:20
I am from Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam is a famous city in my country
Kayli 2015/12/28 11:27
Thr are many famous cities in our country. Capetown. Johannesburg. Pretoria. Bloemfontein. Port Elizabeth. Durban an many more"
ABHIRAJ 2015/12/30 15:09
Agra - India. Due to Taj Mahal its famous..
Replies: 113

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