FREE SMS TRICK by kuramax 2009/05/17 16:01
I have not try this trick because im from Philippines but I will share this to you..

talk2tyhams 2009/10/20 10:51
reumat 2009/10/20 11:06
Good of u
darklover89 2009/10/20 12:26
hi evrybody!plz pms me,for zain madagascar tricks! tnx
nympheta 2009/10/20 12:32
mlysia: +45609925567.CELCOM to DIGI only
nympheta 2009/10/20 12:36
plz....this is forum.share any info 2 all users
nympheta 2009/10/20 12:54
free online sms..
how to use it:
-enter phone number start from ur country code
Example: malaysia country code is 60: 60xxxxxxxxx
[60]=country code
[x]=phone number

nympheta 2009/10/20 13:01
Free sms with mylife:
1.register: type MREGnickname
2.send to:25333
Mlysia boleh!!!

Flusky-Man 2009/10/20 23:14
Do u have any for South African networks?namely voda,cell c
Vicky4luv 2009/10/21 21:19
I wil try it. Cheers
_shihab_ 2009/12/01 16:16
any one know how to do that on bangladesh?? if know then plz pm me...
klain 2009/12/01 19:50
those work 4 mtn ng?
olowookere 2009/12/01 20:06
Any cheat 4 nigerian Fucking network,
olowookere 2009/12/01 20:09
I love people striving to help others,keep it up love........

BLACKHEART 2009/12/03 15:08
Raphael_DEmedion 2009/12/08 09:49
Wow! Plz any1 wit mtn or zain shuld plz deliver it here
mprotim 2009/12/09 04:36
Any trick 4 Indian BSNL or Aircel network
Mayor1 2009/12/10 15:47


Sammydee_ng 2009/12/11 10:07
Quote: LilMel: Wow! Plz any1 wit mtn or zain shuld plz deliver it here
my guy 4get about it. It does not exist

king_arafat 2009/12/11 10:11
You can use free sms software...Also i have 1,, but im not using that..ill share it to you next time...
klain 2009/12/11 18:24
We need d 1 4 mtn ng
Replies: 88

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