FREE SMS TRICK by kuramax 2009/05/17 16:01
I have not try this trick because im from Philippines but I will share this to you..

kuramax 2009/05/17 16:02
here is the trick for free sms exclusively for airtel.
change your message centre no. to +919898051916
and send sms via gprs
or in some mobiles it is like use PACKET DATA.
and in settings make gprs always available.
when G IS AVAILABLE then you can send free sms.
also make delivary report off if you want to send multiple messages.
otherwise it will cost you.

kuramax 2009/05/17 16:04
Reliance Hack For free SMS

For this tricks, you need an Exp Sim of Reliance.


1>Service centre No:- +919863002222
2>Validity period:- Maximum
3>Message type:- Text
4>Reply path:- Off
5>Delivery report:- Off

Note:- Your balance Must be Zero......

blue22 2009/05/18 12:22
How about free sms for smart and globe users? do u have it?
Slim-D 2009/05/19 17:32
reymon 2009/05/20 01:52
i will try it.
kuramax 2009/05/20 06:38
d0nt kn0w if theres any in gl0be.. i will search it f0r you..
blue22 2009/05/20 08:45
ok, i'll wait 4 it.. tnx.
lance23 2009/05/21 09:52
I hav my tricks for smart,u cn chnge d msg cntre # and have a load of 1piso and u cn use it for alm0st 1m0nth! I wil jst post d msg cntre #.jst wait
whiteeye01 2009/05/27 06:02
thanks a l0t f0r the inf0 kuramax. . .I'll try it. . .
whiteeye01 2009/05/27 06:04
can anyb0dy kn0w s0me tricks f0r gl0be user. . ?
Sivakumar 2009/05/27 10:02
How to send free in aircel.
Sivakumar 2009/05/27 10:03
How to send free in vodafone.
Sivakumar 2009/05/27 10:03
Ok thanks i will try.
Sivakumar 2009/05/27 10:04
Say us more trials.
GhAyAl 2009/05/28 07:27
Both d tricks expired ! . .lolz
Raul09 2009/05/28 16:30
d trick u said abt d airtel one...its not happening.
Hen17 2009/10/16 23:03
You guys are good
JCwap 2009/10/17 05:26
recieve free sms. Go to
Its google's service.

Hen17 2009/10/17 16:48
If it works i will let u know
tai1 2009/10/20 10:00
Replies: 88

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