** Ban the person ab0ve you by Unpretty_Marie 2009/04/16 10:39
It is as easy as banning the person above you for any reason at all...

Each poster has to post bAnning the previous poster for something..

i ban *name* for being so cute...
Next Poster:
i ban *name* f0r his signature bein' bad...

Let's start...

Dr.rahul 2015/02/06 16:08
Banned becauz you dint had a valid reason for banning above person....
Georginia 2015/02/06 17:55
Ban u cos i really dint c ur question.lol.
Dr.rahul 2015/02/06 18:01
Banned you cauz you didnt ask me....
Rohan786 2015/02/19 00:57
Ban u coz of ur gud nature
Dr.rahul 2015/02/19 05:00
Ban you cause your a good person
Georginia 2015/02/20 14:58
Ban you cos ur a nice person to talk with.
Dr.rahul 2015/02/20 17:11
Ban you cauz your taller than me /smiley
Georginia 2015/02/20 20:20
Ban cos ur guessing my height /smiley
Dr.rahul 2015/02/20 21:19
Ban you cauz you posted here ...
Georginia 2015/02/21 01:48
Ban cos u r always busy .lol.
Rohan786 2015/02/21 02:40
Ban na never /smiley
Georginia 2015/02/21 06:22
Ban cos ur missing from here /smiley
Dr.rahul 2015/02/27 19:09
Ban you cause your sweet
Georginia 2015/03/04 00:55
Ban cos ur cool
Dr.rahul 2015/03/04 05:58
Ban you cause your hot...
Smarty 2015/10/08 02:41
How do you usually introduce yourself?
Toyz 2015/10/21 05:37
banned for getting banned

jaQui 2015/10/26 23:51
I ban Toyz for he,s big smile.lol.
-Marizelle- 2015/10/27 14:26
Banned because you post too much.hehe.
Raks~RoCks 2015/10/28 17:18
Banned marizelle becz dont like her profile.... /smiley
Replies: 101

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