ARCHIVE: Priority mp3 requests by NinthElement 2009/04/07 16:04
Post your request for any existing song, I will attempt to provide it here within 2-3 days for a fee of 25 pluses (if someone else uploads first they will get the pluses). No charge if your request takes longer to fulfil. Please check the downloads section first to ensure your song doesn't already exist here, also state the album title if applcable and if you'd prefer low size (32kbps, approx 1mb) otherwise I will usually upload regular size (64kbps, approx 2mb). If you request a particular song a second time it will be treated as a new request, also any mp3 request made using a new topic may be treated as belonging in this thread.

ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ 2010/04/23 18:21
I've two requests that i'm after. If both can be 128 kbps or above, then i'd be ever so gratefull.

Okays first one is:
band: Marilyn Manson.
track title: The Reflecting God. (off the album anti-christ superstar)

ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ 2010/04/23 18:26
Continued.. Second one:

Band: Marilyn Manson
Track: Long Hard Road Out Of Hell.

(not sure which album this song is off, but think it was on the OST for the film spawn, but not 100 percent sure /smiley )

thanks in advance /smiley

saab 2010/04/25 05:26
T-SHIRT by Shontelle Layne plss
Saintless 2010/04/27 02:25
Quote: saab: T-SHIRT by Shontelle Layne plss

Here it is.. /smiley

Monsur-16 2010/04/27 09:57
Hi i want 9ice
fdnoble2 2010/04/27 22:07
pls help me get 'loving you' by dolly parton
fdnoble2 2010/04/27 22:10
and 'fool again' by westlife
saab 2010/04/28 13:01
Quote: Saintless:

Here it is.. /smiley
corrupt file/smiley

noblex9 2010/04/28 16:35
pls. upload honey singh not 4 kiddies.
-SwEeThArT- 2010/04/29 00:05
Quote: saab: corrupt file/smiley

I've downloaded the song..And its ok /smiley

Sweet_Divyanka 2010/04/29 07:49
I need this song please "jag soona soona lagae" /smiley
NinthElement 2010/04/30 14:03
Quote: saab: T-SHIRT by Shontelle Layne plss
Here is a 64kbps version of the mp3 Saintless provided, pluses awarded to her.

Monsur-16 2010/04/30 14:44
Pls i want 9ice-gbamu gbamu track low size
noblex9 2010/05/08 22:37
bollywood honey-singh not 4 kiddies.
Twix 2010/05/09 08:26
I need 'butterfly fly away ' by milley cyrus
NinthElement 2010/05/12 00:38
Quote: Twix: I need 'butterfly fly away ' by milley cyrus
Here it is

redbLue 2010/05/12 01:40
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3
Twix 2010/05/13 08:19
Ragz could u please find all of NARUTO soundtrack for me , i need it for my son..
N3IGHTOR 2010/05/14 14:32
Ragno man, can you get me WARRIORS by DRAKE, LIL WAYNE & JAY Z... Please, man.
NinthElement 2010/05/16 14:15
Quote: Twix: Ragz could u please find all of NARUTO soundtrack for me , i need it for my son..
As agreed here is part one for now, let me know when you'd like the second album. /smiley (this may take an hour or two for me to upload)

Replies: 640

This topic is closed.
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