ARCHIVE: Priority mp3 requests by NinthElement 2009/04/07 16:04
Post your request for any existing song, I will attempt to provide it here within 2-3 days for a fee of 25 pluses (if someone else uploads first they will get the pluses). No charge if your request takes longer to fulfil. Please check the downloads section first to ensure your song doesn't already exist here, also state the album title if applcable and if you'd prefer low size (32kbps, approx 1mb) otherwise I will usually upload regular size (64kbps, approx 2mb). If you request a particular song a second time it will be treated as a new request, also any mp3 request made using a new topic may be treated as belonging in this thread.

NinthElement 2010/01/04 23:27
Quote: Starboi: [quote=Starboi]I need lord lifted me by women of faith. Were is my song? Am still waitin 4 it
Here it is for free.

NinthElement 2010/01/04 23:48
Quote: Elle-Mai: Could someone get me Happy by Leona Lewis please? Thanks
Here's yours /smiley

Starboi 2010/01/04 23:55
[quote=Ragnorak]Here it is for free. Thanks man
noblex9 2010/01/05 07:42
i need koi mil gaya movie song anyone and andaaz
NinthElement 2010/01/06 02:35
Requested by Doofy...
AmouR 2010/01/06 06:29
ok can you upload eminem when im gone mp3?
Elle-Mai 2010/01/06 10:30
can i also have butterfly fly away by miley cyrus please? /smiley
Core_Condor 2010/01/06 10:43
Quote: AmOuR: ok can you upload eminem when im gone mp3?
theres u go. . ..

Core_Condor 2010/01/06 11:30
Quote: Elle-Mai: can i also have butterfly fly away by miley cyrus please? /smiley
heres. . ..

AmouR 2010/01/07 00:42
thanks,can you also upload jay sean ride it mp3
Core_Condor 2010/01/07 05:33
Quote: AmOuR: thanks,can you also upload jay sean ride it mp3
hondi version already upladed in dis thread. . . .english is here. . . . .

Syadira 2010/01/07 05:54
tim-at the end of the world. Its frm korean drama my women.
noblex9 2010/01/07 07:26
I want cure my craze by frank d nero, pls. Upload it.
Monsur-16 2010/01/07 08:07
Pls ragnorak i need fuji theatre mp3 by saheed osupa
Core_Condor 2010/01/07 09:33
Quote: Syadira: tim-at the end of the world. Its frm korean drama my women.
utube extracted. . . .

Core_Condor 2010/01/07 09:43
Quote: noblex9: I want cure my craze by frank d nero, pls. Upload it.
cure my craze ft timaya. . . ..

noblex9 2010/01/07 14:39
Quote: Enrique: cure my craze ft timaya. . . ..

noblex9 2010/01/07 14:48
andaaz movies sound track by akshay kumar
Monsur-16 2010/01/07 19:20
Quote: Monsur-16: pls ragnorak i need fuji theatre mp3 by saheed osupa

tittle:fuji theatre
artist:saheed osupa

brill 2010/01/07 21:59
i need any celideon tracks plz
Replies: 640

This topic is closed.
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