101 ways to anoy ppl..!!! by Monkeyboy 2009/03/17 08:41
1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours by hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen.

Muwale 2011/07/07 19:34
Really a monkey any.
Raul09 2011/07/08 20:08
some are good...
GhAyAl 2011/07/09 20:42
Holumiedey 2011/07/11 07:14
i love 24
The_Torpid 2013/07/21 09:38
/smiley /smiley
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/23 09:14
/smiley ?
Smarty 2016/04/18 21:17
Alright then.
Replies: 47

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