Hairy or smooth ? by Mercy08 2009/02/22 19:56
Everybody has a diffrent opion and i'd like to hear yours on this subject : do u prefer men/women with the natural hairy body, legs, face ? Or the sensual silky smooth look , i know which i prefer ;-)

Manal 2010/02/22 20:14
Well i choose Smooth is much better
RAMBLESKILLCKY 2010/02/24 16:58
Women smooth but men hairy.
evil_inside 2010/02/24 22:41
ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ 2010/02/25 14:09
Smooth skin, 110% /smiley
Luvcastle2 2010/02/25 17:15
Airy coz i'm alzo airy.
Marlou 2010/02/26 02:08
Sm00th skin...:-c
Ravikumar08 2010/02/26 04:17
Smooth /smiley
KELLE 2010/02/26 06:03
I like both
olat 2010/02/26 14:09
Smooth skin,i prefer.
oluwaseyi 2010/02/27 03:51
Smooth skin prefferable
kitty4whizzy 2010/02/27 22:36
I prefer smooth skin
tashu 2010/03/09 03:06
smooth lolzzzzx
Wilkinson 2010/03/09 06:04
Violets 2010/03/09 10:27
I prefer myself to be smooth skinned.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/03/10 06:20
i like smooth but m sure many women love hairy guys
Carelesswind 2010/03/10 07:48
Smooth hair .And maybe hairy chest
Doubl-D 2010/03/11 17:15
I like females wit a bit of hair on their legs. Only
Rhanie 2010/03/15 11:07
Raul09 2010/03/15 21:51
SUPER_555 2010/03/15 22:07
Smooth Skin is better dan Hairy Skin
Replies: 101

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