Secret tips & tricks for 'symbian based' nokia mob by Someone 2009/01/12 12:35
Some secret tips & tricks & codes for symbian based nokia mobile phones.

Display the IMEI (GSM standard)

Display the firmware version and date

Display the Bluetooth MAC address (models with build-in Bluetooth radio, activate first to show address)

Display the WLAN MAC address (models with build-in Wi-fi radio)

Clear the operator logo (3310 and 3330 only)

Activate the GPRS PCCCH support (early GPRS models)

Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support (early GPRS models)

Reset the mobile wallet (models with mobile wallet)

Soft-format the memory (Symbian models only)

Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required (DCT4 or newer)

RAPHEALZ 2010/11/18 19:35
Quote: 1Lucky: Some s60 code
for restore ur mobile all nokia java symbian multimedia handset
*#7780# now security is 12345
ful format 2 your mobile only s60v2 mobile *#7370# n73.also and handformet 2 your s60v2 mobile then press 3 key 1key is * then 2key is 3 then 3key is call and hold and switch on ur phone until u nt c the format opsion
nokia 9210.9300.9500 format key.1st switch off ur mobile ur big display also the hold the shift +f key and switch on mobile hold key until u nt c the format opsion
gr8 gr8

Phoebe3 2010/11/25 18:33
Thank you many tips,tricks! /smiley
ruthless.baron 2010/11/25 20:08
sexycarnera 2010/12/02 09:01
nice 1 guys
wonderwall 2011/03/04 02:39
I can live wit dat...tanks!
Dark_Boy 2011/05/03 15:10
Thanx bro
iyanuxy 2011/08/11 23:22
etisalat freebrowsing 4 opera4.2
Gentle02 2011/08/15 07:44
Pls guz any formatting code 4 n72 pls send 2 my inbox.
ganimenekpugi 2011/08/16 08:59
i want tips
____THe.bosS 2011/10/04 18:05
But how can i type these world's in my nokia????
dino_13 2011/10/27 15:21
nice one othor
fabulousmark 2011/11/06 14:27
Yes boss
tkfock 2011/11/09 06:08
plz sm1 should post me zipcode
ORIGINALITY 2011/11/09 19:12
nice 1
Replies: 54

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