> I Hate Cats!! by ROCKY13 2009/01/12 06:06
I Hate Cats.

abbeylabs 2010/06/13 15:22
Ask d cat
Doubl-D 2010/06/13 17:25
/smiley /smiley
Holumiedey 2010/06/13 17:33
What will the cat say. Meeoow
Rasheed1992 2010/06/14 03:38
Dats gud
EDDE 2010/06/14 12:12
he let the cat too
soon he could hav followed it home lol

Honeylips17 2010/06/14 23:44
So funny
RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 06:46
thn wt.thinking.
RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 06:47
its ur headache tht u hate cats
RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 06:48
n n0w tell wt u want frm us.thinking.
Laketempest 2010/12/21 20:42
/smiley okay funny one
-Annie- 2010/12/22 00:24
cat its cute
Toyz 2010/12/22 03:12
o pari!
Basim360 2010/12/23 03:40
Saphire_flames 2010/12/24 19:42
/smiley thanks for posting
manisha123 2011/05/08 14:14
i lv cats. .brilliant thn man. .hahaha. . .
Eleto 2011/05/10 23:11
Very funny lmao
The_Torpid 2013/01/10 03:34
/smiley What A Lovely Joke!!
The_Torpid 2013/01/12 12:32
Absolutely Funny!!
yemadep 2013/01/14 13:59
So who later took him home?
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/11 23:30
Ok ..
Replies: 60

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