S60v3 software by NinthElement 2008/12/28 17:03
You can share random s60v3 software here in this thread. Please provide a description for any apps or games, or create a seperate topic to allow greater discussion.
post s60v3 themes here

jokie 2009/02/14 09:30
Any1 can tell me about symbian pips
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2009/02/14 20:55
Thanks dude /smiley
nazoluv 2009/03/13 15:12
I need lcg jokebox for n73 wit keygen
nazoluv 2009/03/13 15:14
I love dis forum
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2009/03/14 06:17
Quote: alhilal: This is an app to create ur own theme wit ur pics...add ringtone to ur theme...nd many more....check it out..
thanks for this app dude, it actually works /smiley great job...but hey d fact is AllExclusive stil remains d ruler wid theme making...cheers !

-StingRay- 2009/03/31 09:47
Windows7 theme s60v3
El-jay 2009/06/02 10:50
plz i need 'drakkarious'.its a hackin application 4 s60v3 which enables it play n-gage games.thnx
jokie 2009/04/20 07:46
Kaspersky 8.0.38 beta unsigned cracked illusion s60v3


jokie 2009/04/20 22:36
Nokia mobile dictionary
U can use 3 language with this dictionary. Eh ya this Free /smiley

Hell_bound 2009/05/13 13:15
Quote: Morphgirl: will it work on mine joe?

What u phone type N os non /smiley.
This work on s60v3 phone device.

ShAhZaDa 2009/05/10 14:12
Hell_bound 2009/05/13 00:05
Quick hackkit beta,
this app built in instalserver.exe this file make u phone allow instal app with expired certificate.
In instaler choose
binpda security manajer,
Caps off drive with compatible u OS,
Instalserver with compatible u OS.

ShAhZaDa 2009/05/13 04:55
Quote: Morphgirl: expired certificate? /smiley
chanhe the date, month,and year to back one and then try.

ShAhZaDa 2009/05/13 18:21
Quote: Morphgirl: my ph?
ofcurz of ur phone. /smiley

Hano 2009/05/19 10:01
she got s60v3 phone helbound
-StingRay- 2009/07/12 15:57
Lcg Xplore for S60v2+S60V3+and+UIQ 3.0
Trial Version

-StingRay- 2009/07/16 16:43
Quote: El-jay: plz i need 'drakkarious'.its a hackin application 4 s60v3 which enables it play n-gage games.thnx

Check Here topic id: 1597717

KingFISHER 2009/07/26 07:08
Plz gv me opera 8.65
ph nokia n73
Imei 358973017200573

thank u!

lIVINg_fOSSIl 2009/10/25 10:45
Quote: Morphgirl: is there any dat can block sms? /smiley
i guess there is. Ima upload it here tonight if i get it /smiley

criss 2009/09/11 20:45

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