Quote: Kakairi: Want photo (jpg/gif) crop/resize for my Nokia 6600.
check s60v2 thread for image crop/resizer
FoRgoTTen_PeOpLe2009/04/23 14:11 I need any web browser/apllication or games for my phone> samsung sgh d500c and the type was jad. one more thing did my pluses will be minus wen request
lIVINg_fOSSIl2009/04/23 23:00 No hun it wont get reduced
Quote: LizZie: I need any web browser/apllication or games for my phone> samsung sgh d500c and the type was jad. one more thing did my pluses will be minus wen request
no your pluses will not be reduced. Are are just helping ower members.. If your phone support .jad files then .jar file will also run. Use opera mini web browser. Plz search opera mini 4.2 or 4.1 in this topictopic id: 1595409
Quote: ShAhZaDa: no your pluses will not be reduced. Are are just helping ower members.. If your phone support .jad files then .jar file will also run. Use opera mini web browser. Plz search opera mini 4.2 or 4.1 in this topictopic id: 1595409
that *.jad file is real built to application for samsung phone not jad for direct link for *.jar for opera mini download it from opera site or try go to getjar.com For game n app not easy to search it. Got same problem when i'm use D820.
Prak2009/05/01 18:12 I want an Avi player in jar format please....
MaDdY2009/05/03 04:07 i am looking for the hindi to english dictionary. plz tell me or pm me.