A LONG RHYME COMING! by millian2008/12/16 23:46 Just tot I shud put up another topic wit a versatile attribute. Pls no nonrap post. All post must b in rap form, even when just makin a comment. And its a buffet so y'al b ready to feast in. Lol thats to the very few left. And hey so called mods s hud put in too. Revivingis not all bout presiding.
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard2010/11/05 15:07 ssshhh...lisin! thz aint n0 dissin! It ma raPP fl0wz 3ncr3zinG... Spiritualy, h3ar Ma L0ng-ruN c0ming/ma Long-GuN bull3tz SumminG/tHa l0ng dead g0n3 humanz scoarninG/ But Amma V3st-ma/tha B3st man/ tHA cr3st Man! N0 wounda wat ya d0, cox all ya d0 is d0 wat a mor3r dosz, vexing Lik3 ah V3t-maN! Bt amma g0nn mak ya -| r3st 'n' p3ac3 |-mak ya drnk ma peez/mak ya 3at ma rat ch33ZE/Mak ya r3tr3at ma rapP pi3c3/ask m3,dnT ask M3,u cant Marsk m3,Dnt ask m3 can all'ya hanDl3 thz? C0x amma eat cANalist/I fak3 h3rbalist/I dat3 tha D3ntalisT/I fat3 tha s3negaleez/I at3 tha animALIZ/AM A WILD CANIBAL33Z/THA RAR3 WILD ST0RM BR33ZE cox U all r3ject3d 0ut-dat3d rAT br33d/I MaK y'all stand lik3 tr33z, U'yall g0nna g3t rAPp fr33d, W3n Ya'll say ma cr33d/c0x ya rapp bl33d/ya raPP thinkz_ma Fl0wZ 3xc33D wat ya'al cnt c0nceiv3! U p3rceive? U G3T fr33zed by ya Xact D33d cox amma g0nm plAnT ya lik3 a rAT shxt_lik3 a blak ShxT IN tha Black str3am/& likf a bLACK-P0t with a whxt3 Vim! Y3aAAAH! Am Ya wild_dr3am/& am unt0 ya @ nght ya xhal3 ya wild_str3am/cox ya livin with a Blindd_DR3am.