~WHiCH iP morE FasteR WHEN BROWSING InterNET??~ by hazrien2008/12/13 12:56 give an ip ur network that ur think it realy faster when browsing internet of all the time without any a problem..
hazrien2008/12/15 16:23 yes..all ip sumtime it realy worK!
EvilCry2008/12/15 16:26 Hakz2 for next IP i will give transparent ip, hazrien. Ppl said transparent ip is much faster than anonymous ip who need security anyway, We just need fast gprs lol
hazrien2008/12/15 16:27 evil just put a here ok! U great!
EvilCry2008/12/15 17:11 Lol just try. My gprs r realy sux n now i use ip from china. Owh btw u cn use UCWEB 6.1 to browse, its faster than anything, even opera mini 4.2
PopSoDa2008/12/30 06:29 not to ip . .depands ur gprs also . .now have 3.5g . .i use 3.5g not gprs . .so 3.5g depands 4 3G network. .sometimes if 3G not working,i use gprs . .btw gprs for sim 3G so fast!i think u should try . .
Hell_bound2009/01/03 15:16 Gud topic friend 11 from 10