^The top 10 languages spoken in the world ~~ by -CeNaTioN- 2008/11/27 08:45
Check it OuT

-TheCoOLBoY- 2009/11/13 09:38
cant speakout other than brilliant bro!
gud collection

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/11/13 10:16
Gee you telling us all something most of us all ready knew anyway /smiley
haris 2009/11/13 11:05
But logically if u think then u'll note that the Arabic as the most uttered language in this world.../smiley ask me how?
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2009/11/13 14:36
Wow you really want to Be Arabic so badly, even though they treat Indian migrant workers so poorly.
Lilsaint 2009/11/14 18:19
A very nice work.
Kingzzy 2009/11/14 20:31
The most common language is English
Scientist 2009/11/20 21:10
ENGLISH and arabic are among ten lang in the world.
hell 2009/11/22 04:12
/smiley nice work dude.
Marlou 2009/11/22 07:36
The m0st c0mm0nly used is English.
KING1 2009/11/22 13:10
The most powerful language is english.
etinosa 2009/11/22 20:02
dovegirl 2009/12/04 09:37
/smiley It's that so.
Dbest 2009/12/06 12:18
D languag most spoken s ENGLISH-LANGUAGE.
_shihab_ 2009/12/06 17:10
man u have done a great job.

ei je sunco,
I love bangla. . . .!

_rOcK_ 2009/12/31 16:44
Good job.../smiley
Musafir 2009/12/31 18:34
Quote: HEART-HACKER: If you're interested in learning a little Hindi, there's a very easy way: rent an Indian movie. The film industry in India is the most prolific in the world, making thousands of action/romance/ musicals every year.
To say 'hello' in Hindustani, say 'Namaste' (Nah-MAH-stay) .
India or Hindi is not owned by HINDUS /smiley NAMASTE is specific word used by Hindus but INDIA IS SECULAR COUNTRY.
Others will not follow rules of HINDUISM.
Indian Christian will never say NAMASTE NOR MUSLIM.
/smiley thanks.

teehem 2010/01/06 13:36
Quote: Dbest: D languag most spoken s ENGLISH-LANGUAGE.
prove ur point

_shihab_ 2010/01/06 14:22
good job man. .!
RollingStone 2010/01/06 19:47
_Duckling_ 2010/05/15 11:13
need updating
Replies: 67

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