Your Country!! by UnFoRgIvEn2 2008/11/18 23:58
Use this thread to describe your country and to get known about countries of other members.:)

Cazz 2009/05/03 11:08
My country = rainbow nation, has 11 oficial languages,democtratic country, one of the top countries in africa. MY COUNTRY IS SOUTH AFRICA /smiley /smiley
VP1990 2009/05/03 17:35
I'm from the great country INDIA...
shruti 2009/05/04 13:14
India incredicable
MaDdY 2009/05/04 17:58
my country is India
Thasleema 2009/05/04 21:38
Power 2009/05/06 14:14
My country ;- many religion and culture under one flag.
zged_07 2009/05/07 04:26
Philippines my nice country
MaDdY 2009/05/08 12:42
Dr.rahul 2009/05/10 13:54
My count -INDIA
National animal-tiger.
National bird -peacock.
Father of the nation MAHATAMA GHANDHI.
Republic day.26 january.
Current president prathibha patil.

Dr.rahul 2009/05/10 13:54
My country-INDIA
National animal-tiger.
National bird -peacock.
Father of the nation MAHATAMA GHANDHI.
Republic day.26 january.
Current president prathibha patil.

Munnasaif 2009/05/11 19:27
I m indian frm mumbai
India is gr8

Mc-PamV 2009/05/12 20:30
My country:South-Africa, this is the best place to be,u get the most friendliest ppl here,we will make friends with the whole world if we could get there,but unfortuanatly we dont have fortune but we are still happy with what we got because we believe that u dont need fortune in heaven.
TIME 2009/05/13 17:42
india. .
AKASH-786 2009/05/14 02:05
My country- Great India
Tapz 2009/05/14 06:05
Frm the great nation called NIGERIA.
MYemo97 2009/05/15 07:07
Nice god!
Kumaze 2009/05/15 15:45
Lagos, nigeria.
Alebi 2009/05/17 22:27
I'm latina
Kookies_N_Kreams 2009/05/18 05:25
Well m frm INDIA n its a country u'd neva find elsewhr. Its beautiful in its own way!
Hudson 2009/05/19 00:30
My country:JAMAICA my primeminister:BRUCE GOLDEN my stay at:MANDIVILLE

Replies: 775

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