Are like korean movie? by
Aina_nana 2008/11/04 06:20
What movie u like? I like auntum in my heart. It the first movie make me fall in love with korean movie
AmouR 2008/11/04 07:45
hmmm i like titanic
annecus 2008/11/04 08:17
RestlesS and A LOT mOre, Araa is nice also if its a korean mOvie.
zhEirA 2008/11/04 10:51
i'm currently watching Three Dads with One Mom.
Ex-Ze 2008/11/04 15:22
The Rain 1 of korean m0vie wit love st0ry,!
SAGITTARIUS 2008/11/04 17:22
Never watched korean movies.would you like to write the whole story of movie?
Syadira 2008/11/29 23:26
I like it very fav all times s korean dramas n so many kMovies,i lyk 200 pounds beauty,little bride etc
jasmine 2008/12/22 04:28
winter sonata
-SwEeThArT- 2008/12/22 11:12
stairway tO heaven!!!!!!!!
LeLouCHe 2008/12/22 14:43
My boss my hero, originally frm korea but i think the japanese version is way too funny
Dewi 2008/12/22 18:41
Yup. .I love to watch it sometimes
Hell_bound 2008/12/22 21:53
my boz my hero cool but funy he..he for
Series guardian angel
jasmine 2008/12/23 00:33
Lavender, I like it much
sINdArELa 2009/02/01 01:43
Im a big fan 0f k0rean m0vies..
Frost_Ogre 2009/02/02 21:14
no, korea making bad movies, but best vid games!
ICON 2009/02/04 17:58
mmm... Hero... Naked weapon... Unleashed... Kiss of the dragon... Shadowless sword... House of flying daggers was brilliant...
-linda- 2009/03/13 07:47
I like korean drama *mwah* addicted 2 it *innocent* my favor is chun hyang,my sassy girl
pudge 2009/03/13 10:32
I do luv watching k0rean m0vies.. sasSy girl nd windstruck are s0me of my favorites..
Replies: 71
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