Nokia codes by ShAhZaDa2008/11/02 20:42 Mobile phone secrets, codes and technical information for Nokia Mobile Phone.The above code may or may not work with some mobile.
Rayquaza2009/02/20 01:35 Hey i have a nokia 6030b i want to change my security code and dont know the code i want to know a way to crack it
Subhanshu2009/02/22 22:49 Nokia default code is 12345 . But if it will nt work than pm me ur emi number i will send u ur security code and plz dnt publish emi number nw its nt safe.
Shawn_439792009/02/28 02:01 tell me something tricky about N73.
#pw +1234567890+1 # Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols) #pw +1234567890+2 # Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols
Zans2009/03/07 19:41 How 2 solve my windows live 4 nokia E71,,i had install but can't be open
Quote: ShAhZaDa: Amazing trickHere a simple Trick 4 Direct Access ur sim contacts. Type any Location,where u feed any num & # Eg.Press 1#. It shows ur 1st sim contact..
Quote: Krillin9: How can i hide files or lock them
u can hide ur file by using x-plore file manager. Go to that file which u want to hide then click 6 from ur keypad n then u wll get pop off box then check hidden option, read only option and then system option then click ok option. Now ur file s hidden.
wexehs2009/04/06 02:49 pm ur IMEI/serial no for u to get master code in 10 digits, ths s vry useful 4 forgoten lockcode. . . .Nstead of 5 u wl get 10 code
Sivakumar2009/04/15 07:50 Hi friends get me the tricks for s40 mobiles.
Dallah2009/04/15 18:57 Is there a code to increase my nokia's max volume? Id appreciate it thanx.
Dallah2009/04/15 19:01 By the way i have a nokia 6300 thanx
pleasure4ng2009/04/19 06:42 to brows free with mtn contact me
MaDdY2009/05/01 09:26 *#0000# for information of mobile