"Drop a lyn" by SwtMCEE2008/10/30 05:12 Jus drop the best line u can think of rite now.....
Shaev72009/01/14 22:19 Yo kayslay u in, luv ur sh!t cuz its real/cee rappd bout my famly stil nutin bt nil/u sic bt dnt tint ur mind is ill/am 2weeded 2speak2/so fast dz batlz isnt d only key i c 2dfeat u/i spit sh!t cuz its real makz u run cuz d smel threatens/bt u,uh u say piss dy ain gt no effect 2me cuz itz juz a mere liquid fuck it/haha,i laff cuz am agitatin whre 2end dz sequel/bitch mayb i'l end up er DROP A LYN as swift as wizzle/or A LONG RHYME COMIN tak it 2ur chest bitch lyk am swindle/fuck anywhere i end datz my sh!t stil me shaev7
Ceejay2009/01/15 08:10 A long rhyme cumin is true young man/ but these rhymes stretch longer than your dick can/ the rhymes wil last longer than your life span/ my rhyme wil smack u like federers fore hand/ im ever high and this plane dont land/ i go 4ward like man united with a game in hand/ im a 1 man army u a one man band/ i wil mess up your life and every future plan/ yes i am i mean yes i wil/ make change bleed from your chest like a mini mart till/ ther wil never be the best but i get better stil/ why should i practice if i was born with skill/ shaev what mother fucker u i wil make u die slow/ it dont matter if under yo pillow sleeps a fo fo/ blow your knee cap with a rangers rifle/ and by the way im not here to rap for titles.
HNIC72009/01/17 09:41 Haha kidboy,u say sh!t lyk u gt d whol wrl quotd papoose/u juz a junk maniac u fuzz/rhymez 'll lnga dan shaev7's span/spray u d mst xpensv fumez stil u stank/boy u sick cuz u kno we can/do anysh!t 2dz legendary/coz we gt d vocabular/we gt d spokes/stil we're makn jape of u cuz u folks/i wlk wt swagger^ swingn wt dagger^n cloaks/ur name cee its lyk bee bt cnt sting/ur poisonles n nt effectv as ling/d whol thang is in 1perspective/shaev7,arsene n whizzkid run dz sh!t coz dy superlative/ur eng ar so bad dat i nid ask u wotz an adjective?/hey we're juz doin it lyk d americans cuz its juz d rap perspectives/if we speak real eng u we gota mak u wee/cuz its nutin bt d sh!t in qeens/OK b4 it was N.W.A(NIGGAS WTOUT ATTITUDES)/we run dz bitch C.T.E(CALL TO EXECUTE)/dnt fuck wt us in diff variation/ shaev7 gt d cliques C.E.T ITS thugs motivation/muthafuka
Ceejay2009/01/17 11:44 Hnic i feel compelled to battle but ill settle with a warning lets not let this go any further ok jus a friendly warning but if u realy want in wit me let me know i dont make enemies wit jus any1 but i cant stop u from hating me.
Shaev72009/01/17 23:21 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... u fuckn skongk..! Junk/ of d trunk/ damn am so drunk /my hearts hard HNIC7 GT u sunk /laz post juz as i cum in i dunk/ u ova d basket boy u cnt evn funk/anybdy cuz u suck/ass n pussy sister n mum/masturbatin ur dads dick n swallow hz cum/sh!t u a nun/tlkn abt ve enemy/bitch u ain evn gt no fuckn penny/u sick of ur mumz fanny/go lick it,she's callin u 'dummy'/u stil dnt wana gt it wt uz cuz gt d gimmicks/wen i drop,i rock d spot n leav u behind suckn six pricks/u so poor n hungry dat u fuckn cary bricks/at constructn site 4money u cynic/am juz 2 epic/am a cyclic/n i geometise u n u be here 1nce n twice in a sec tic/u dnt fuck wt CTE ain nobdy we kill...
Ceejay2009/01/18 04:07 Gud it had to be u lets draw the perimeter/ whos the illigitimet shxt spitter/ think u gangsta coz dad let u rock quick silver/ the closest ull cum is when that hankie is thru yo liver/ i know yo face hasnt completed evolution try reincarnating/ in yo last flow wer u laughing or cumin wen masturbating/ i dont wory bout numbers coz i wont stop dominating/ its realy me fucker you arent hollucinating/ your forehead looks like its nine months pregnant/ and i stopped fucking yo mom coz her pussy is stagnant/ ugly bitch u look like a dick wit ears and a mouth/ with one eye on top do u live in jeans or a house/ your ass probly could represent yo face better/ envelope your feelings jus like a love letter/ your mom is impregnable coz u wer born there/ you look like a dwarf dipped in a bucket of pubic hair/ i wil make u black out watch the light get dim/ your dick is so small its a waste of skin.
Shaev72009/01/18 15:20 Anxious boy| stp agitatin...it wnt hlp u man u gon gt ur brainz complicatin...u cn h8 me now/lyk u want wt HNIC7 fow/cuz we wont stop now/i ain stp til i say plow.../neitha run 4cover HNIC is wh!t but he stil ma broda/yes yes in the flesh/sh!t u fools wona snitch i tak it 2ur unborn kid chest/u say u wana batl us/u ain stil gt d doh,cee juz fukoff/dz juz a stp 2ur grave/repent els u soon c d end of ur days/...kno wot tym it is bitch..CTE
-SwEeThArT-2009/01/21 07:08 wateva..... (well its a line..)
Ceejay2009/01/21 10:09 Shaev7 realy u a blunt waste product/ yo dad regrets ever havn sperm ducts/ yo family wishes they wer blind so they wear tinted contacts/ for real for real all i do is spit mere facts/ please do beleive me/ i wish i was dreaming/ like i said any one that sees u gets jealous of stevie/ i warned you/ your birth should have been prolonged fool/ i feel insulting yo family is due/ so feel free to split these among you/ fuck you check one two now let me kick it like kung fu/ born from a pussy breathing cock suckin prostitute/ are those bars the best u can constitute/ bitch u a sperm shaped dog with anal lips/ in this grave u wil lie like shakiras hips.
Shaev72009/01/21 16:08 Boy u stil anxious/or sh!t u fuckin obnoxious/dnt panic..u fil lyk insultin/do it,bitch u nutin bt suck stil/am da raven liftd @hi-range/u dickheaded i spit n sat on ur grave/pretty asz dumb tot he's speakn bt u spake/shutup bitch yl i spit u go lame/oh yea,u silly punk/i laff wen am drunk/i fuk anytn dat walkz/pussy fuckn chump/u cnt afor 2b wt me 1on1 cuz am gona fuck u up/kidz choke em nose wen u pasby cuz stank lyk skongk/ fuck it am stil da don/mega supreme sitin chilin oderin 4 ur mum/aid 2her grave cuz shez a destitute/clyde-facker dad wont stop bein d male prostitute/since 16yr old feedin on grass roots/yl i run games drinkin gin n juice/ur famly scene ar black lyk sooths/cee dark avarta makez u luk lyk devil wtout chute/falin frm d sky tinkn he got d chute/on^i spit on u^n sit on u^ spilin/ dz sh!t chilin/ yl u doin it silly/speakin junky/mosdef u sick thrillin^ i age of days creepin^dopin c u n ur mum do dick-lickin^ 4mony.../
Ceejay2009/01/21 19:01 Oh boy you need help no u need a dictionary not a little one/ ill cut u short like the actor in little man/ dumb nut satan cant fall from the sky/ its common sense but u want to ask why/ i guess common sense aint that common/ yo parents knew that when u slipped thru the condom/ yo rhymes are killer they kill me with boredom/ my dick so big yo mom has space to hold on/ but yours makes a mosquito look like goliaths foot/ so when u and yo boyfrnd fuck its always cuming soon/ i wil vapourise yo blood and howl at the moon/ fuck c.t.e you are fuckin with the youngest goon.
Shaev72009/01/21 22:24 I kno ur nutz wont tel u dat devil was once fr d sky/bitch dnt try2mak corektionz cuz u dumb as u cn try/d dictionary i nid is d 1 i cn find R.I.P/cee on it,doubl tonguez speakin datz wat i cal F.L.I.P/u kno i cnt be copared/u kno they paste me wantd/u kno wen d drama cumz i ain scared/fr d heart i mosh rhyms wisely/sitin@d ryt hnd of GOD yl u soliloquicely/tinkin of d day u'l eventualy go-2-hell/braindamage..sh!t i stil sell/up in dis bitch coz al u do is yell..muthafucker..shaev7(villainous vulge)
Gblink2009/01/24 00:08 Ha ha ha ha Ceejay how do u come up with such lines "cut you short like the actor in little man" u are one heck of a rapper like i said u got skilz.
abeyodunuga2009/01/24 18:13 dam right if u admire to acquire your desire when u fire and it back fire dont retire so as to admire the desire u admire thanks
Ceejay2009/01/24 19:06 And im no liar but i spit fire n poke thru skin like a thin wire call me sire coz i roll thick tires til i retire. Ur welcum.
Zebat2009/01/25 15:17 Bat iS bck.de only 9ija boyi gatin 8ters packin/dos luzers cn touch it,al dey can do kep backin.sh33333..... .gun.
Shaev72009/01/29 22:16 I kno u shameless/ass bitch born brainles/stil rocks hiz mums fallin breastles/front each tym she takz of ha sh!rt of ha body ceegay on 1corner sayin yes yes/am nt here 2kil u/am here 2tel d devil nt 2kip u in 4evaslastn burnin i tel em 2gnash u/...i slang^n^swang coz i tel em now^let me gt pskological me n my apostle/som wil cal it gospel/it doesnt mata,its 4u aristles/cumin frm d done/bone n my niggaz wh!z n arsene say n thugs^neva b a clone/n my zone/ur mynd blown/pple gt thrownd/wat u want?/want 2hunt?/taunt/flaunt?/wt d boss gt cum cost/tak a loss^if u tink u in d sauce/calin ARSENE ~n~ WHIZKID datz 9ja stil thuggin^ n thievin/im willin/n we'r stealin/ n sum pple ar kilin/n odas dealin^on d street but we're stil chilin/wtf an uh!we'r stil 2geda tru d weather/any 1beta/cal it 11 september/neva gon break up/make up/if u shake us/huh-huh yal cnt tak us/wake us/we wernt sleepin^ooh!n d reaper kip me dip in my body/n we gt em lyk john gotti/bt brodaz datz on an african mision|whr my posse?ain gvin u d thugs^wat?trown up gang signs bang on u..wat u want?bt bitch ceejay uh i didnt say it wt hoe/u wont play it leav it alone/wt my dogs cuz 2moro we're slayin....hey gay muthafucka!shaev7 villainous vulge
Young-stunner2009/01/30 23:48 Sh!t is tyt.i c ul nigas neva bck dwn 4 a fyt/i aint sayn my sh!t is ryt!dropin wck rhymes is lyk dat is lyk take da 1st flight outa cntry n stayn out of sight/nigas nw cmmtn suicide.wana b rappa/gve up dat career cz ur a qualified bck staba.watch it wen runin yo mouth,cz real soon ya myt b xperiencin drought,unlyk lil wayne/niga u sound insane..cum 2 me let me ease ya pain/ul feel al kinds of emtns in dis rap game.i luv rap n i say it out loud,i myt nt b da best bt i stl stand proud/f*ck it im out!no dssn!
Shaev72009/02/01 07:17 Hey stunner y u tryn2play d best/am d man in dz bitch punk run or else/u mum ain gon c ur dick 2suck i'l mak u dickles/neva d less/ur prickhead tld u 2dis me, bt if i dz u twice am stresin myself/bitch yung stunner/no slo movment here i ryd on 4runner/so tak ur frecklez arse out n sit on a corner/sissy pussy main/u nt as hard as gucci mane/lousy lyk lil wayne/i diss u only nw n makez ur skeleton run of u 2d grave/mudafucka!
HNIC72009/02/03 04:01 No liar../damn suck u retire/afta my lazt pozt down town fuckn wt mariah/u azz was tire/bangn ur mum day n 9t by wot u aspire/i, shaev7,arsene n wh!z got d fire/coz datz wat we desire/wen we inspire/gradn our motivez isnt a tym trial/diss u dickhead paintd wt purple dye/leav u makin a shoutout sayin 'I VE RETIRE'/coz u've ACQUIRE/IMMUNE DEFFICIENCY SYNDROME(AIDS)afta fuckn ur mum wt d whol of ur disire!