THE SONG FOR YOUR FUNERAL. by Chris69skem 2008/10/21 19:19
What Song Would Do You Justice.

farooqpatel 2011/05/13 15:32
Tere mayat me gana bajake martun bhai
BrAvE 2011/08/11 09:16
TemPEST 2011/11/11 09:04
End of time by M i
Male1974 2011/12/23 05:27
i think, heavens on fire, by kiss
SAFDAR 2013/08/02 09:38
NAASH 2013/08/12 22:10
Any rock'sng wch mks me ALIVE../smiley
jaQui 2019/02/09 06:58
Quote: haris: Khaali hath aaye the hum, khaali hath jaayenge/smiley lol

haris 2019/02/11 07:27
it means, i had nothing when i came into this world and i will have nothing when am going away from this world.

Replies: 88

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