^bLOod iN^ ^BLooD oUT^ 100% d3a7H! by HNIC7 2008/10/01 16:06
itz a cup flo of blod.if u ril g,1nc in 2ic out!fuk cum in gt a taste!juz do it as a ril gee..-tog-

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/03/29 23:45
Quote: Shaev7:

For real not a hypocritical issue man, welcome back
yeah homie 4 real.karma 4 dat ^tical^ line.lol

_-B0B_MaRl3y-_ 2013/05/06 05:09
Shxtty shxt everywr..
Nkululeko747 2013/05/15 05:36
Quote: HNIC7: This is shxt^zo^ critical/since 2yrs missing,the story is the most^mystical/am not playin, this is not a hypo^critical(issue)/still flippin my words n wipe ya ass^hoe^stical(tissue)/

Back with the thugs. You need an expo for this? Just decypher.
Watch me drop raps colder than a blizzard when the SNOW DROP/i'll be the KING round here, u can bow down but don't offfer BLOW JOBS/HNIC7 is whack like MFker, after this Im LEAVING NIGGAZ SCARED/ while the Head Nigga In Charge of GIVING NIGGAZ HEAD/ haha

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/05/17 12:36
New^bees of nowadays gat no respect for O.G's.

Son did u suck dick and sucked ur brain AWAY?/or did ur mother gave birth to u in SUCK-AWAY pit and her pussy rocked AWAY?/i need no answer cos i know ALREADY/i welkum u formally to hell hope u're READY/time to lock u up in a bird's CAGE/tragedy is here now n death is ur nxt PAGE/Nkulul^eko^747 am gonna make u ECHO^747 before i shave ur ass 747 times for hnic7 and shaev7/u met burial ground and ur stupid mind told u it's HEAVEN/ur twelve hour clock will now be reduced 4rm ~eleven~ to SEVEN/death is ~knockin~ on ur heart so stop ~sulking~ and start ~suckin~ my DICK/evn though u neva mentioned d name TRAGEDY/i get mad when kids pay no respect by bringing up COMEDY/u are lucky u neva pasted d shxt in my ~thread~ if not i would have ~trade~ ur life for bird's BREAD/learn how the words come in case u wanna FACE ME/am d lord n king in here and all ACE ME/still i stay cool by respectin ma NIGGAZ/so how come a ^tea^nager^(teenager)like u is pointing ur FINGERZ/u wanna ~die~ or get ur blood dried n replaced wit red DYE?/i will beat u like a kid while u cry me a river like justin timberLAKE/put ur head in ur mama's pussy n got u drowned in my cum as is it's a LAKE/i have no occupation son but death is what i MAKE/say more shxt n get baked like CAKE with devils handSHAKE/...sucka!


Nkululeko747 2013/05/18 20:23
TrannyG...psHh choke on HNIC's dick and DIE/ while still on it enjoying da RIDE/
Don't wordplay on my name if u can even WORD PLAY/
Or I'll turn u in into a retired lawer, I'll be ur WORST CASE/
Don't jump into shxt u wernt called into, u wondering into a CURSED PLACE/
F%*k ur 1 karma, I still don't see the role ur VERSE PLAYED/
Silly little f%%k.. Yeah u a silly little f%%k.. Like a premature EJACULATION/
Sorrry to disturb U n HNIC's like INFACTUATION/
Bitch had to go thru my profile n find out I'm a teen, are THREATENED?/
Is it coz I'm a new kat with u flows, n ur words to old... (LATIN)/
Haha bitch please, u not the god or lord or king of anyTHING/
U just HNICs puppet, n he uses his dick as STRINGS/
I think I used about 0.003% of my brain to write this reply... I had to try come down to ur mental CAPACITY/
I regret the few minutes of my life I wasted writing this shxt... U not worth to seconds of my life TrannyG

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/05/22 22:45
Ok, lets start wit brushin ur teeth 1ST/its not my fault dat u suckd no BREAST/fed wit artificial feeding will always be FAKE/i wonder wat a name wit no meaning will MAKE/i kum originally self-made causing earth^quake in ur TEETH/fall 10 times in pain n agony i'll still stand u on ur FEET/pussy death is KNOCKING/smiley/here is ur ass SHXT^TALKING/bastard go back to d orphanage n ask em where u were PICKED/heard u sayin suck like u've been DICKED/ur ally was hell seeker seekin hell, now u are seekin GRAVE/pick garbage for d rest of ur LIFE/get ur ass fingered like ^PUSSY and mid-WIFE^/get baptised inside a pussy n die wit ur mouth suckin ur DICK/here ~meek~ dat sucks ~dick~ always get ~sick~ and die QUICK/am not suppose to reply dis shxt but i hate neglecting BITCHES/u are about to get haunted by WITCHES/i roll ur tongue on the ground n walk ova it like MARBLE/fuck dizziness in2 ur eyes till red becomes PURPLE/u will try Googling for angels but will get nothing COMFORTING/i will store pain n misery in ur life till ur freezing point stops WORKING/u call me tranny"G" cos u still respect d fact dat i am an O.G in diss GAME/till d ~cops~ bury ur ~corpse~ u will remain LAME/bitch keep mentioning names to get FAME/i guarantee u gonna burn to ashes in diss FLAME/...sucka!


Nkululeko747 2013/05/23 22:27
okay now that my teeth are clean, i can feed on u again/
i see how u excited u gettin coz i called u a 'G' thats short for sayin u gay/
...and no.'2', i aint got 2much 2say on 2wap 2day/
pssh u say u throwin rhymes? Myt aswell get married to HNIC n throw a bookay/
while u girl booday...to a nigga in the real world u busy acting hardcore online/
i'm just here loveing around, no time to start wars online/
so homie get a rest or get arrest-ed like a war on crime/
or atleast pray to me coz im the god-of-rhyme/
don't start with me or coz wen i get at u, u wont get sum off-time/
and like a fish caught with a fishin rod u gon wish u wer 'off line'/
the only time i seek a grave is when im lookin for a rapper i buried/
u aint hard ur rhymes are sweet but they suck with more Straws than a Berry/
u just a pxssy, u probly fight with ur claws like a lady/
i dnt fight but my punchlines break more jaws on a daily/
...basis. More than my actually fist does/
i myt hav not been breast fed but unlike u i actually know how to feed bars/...
Sucker-free, sucker-proof

Nkululeko747 2013/05/25 00:35
...Funny how everytime I post a verse, niggas dissapear for days. Just to come back and post some whack long ass verse nobody really wanna read.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/05/25 11:02
Datz cuz ur bitch mama got no ~tissue~ to clean ur watery shxt but it will neva b an ISSUE.
I know u know nothing about rap but am ready to teach u if ur dumb^ass^brain will learn. Just get ready 4 the battle dat iz kumin soon ass^hole.

INDENSPENSIBLE 2013/05/25 11:58
Men you and battle. Another battle?
Yungboss what do you think? i also want a battle myself o. u no say i never battle before.

INDENSPENSIBLE 2013/05/26 22:08
After the ongoing battle it will be INDENSPENSIBLE VS Nkululeko.
STUNNER 2013/05/27 06:05
Then i will take u too.
Shaev7 2013/07/17 08:40
Hmmm... I see reloadin tha mic(words) with venous Bullets/
When I spit its fire burstin outa it my Gullet/
This is no joke I get more rhymes(punches) reserved in my Pockets/
This clips i fix ain no good for y'all Faggets/
I transform it to throad slitter like I use a Matchet/
If you think dropin this shxt am shot of Rhymes/
Better get ready for to book a doc cus am comin to break ya a-cord and ya Spines/
How many bars, count it use your real Eyes/
If it don't work rip it outa it socket and get em fixed with my 2 Punches/
And walk blindfoldedly with broken legs aid with termite threatened Clutches/

More packed! Warning Shots!

New packed!

Rebellion 2013/07/20 19:20
Throwin 2 lil lines on a light-track:::::Get ur dick str8 & learn 2 fight-back:::: Free Height fear along with night-pack:::: fuck the feelings! They're not which u might lack, *Blood in>
Rebellion 2013/09/08 15:57
Blood goes in & Blood goes out/ This blood in my veins sayz lets clear theze hoez doubt/ So broz cuz da zone is alone with no rapperz,itz on itz own/ And some jokerz became da modz becoz they got votez & supportz from some high level hoez/ It showz dat for da whole downfall of battlez,theze talentlez bunniez became da main cauze/ I alwayz in all wayz Tried to lift da spirit Whever da pace of the raps gone down/ But theze piecez of shxtz alwayz proved me an alone clown/ Theze mothefuhkerz desrve no respect No power They even made multickz Damn you cowardz/ You nevr came 2 see da plaze in bad dayz/Still u sat with ur azz shamelessly on da power-chair/ Thiz iz da start of da death of thiz plaze In da end their egoz will claze/ Adminz gone outta thea mindz Look who da fuhk they findz/ Goddamn dumbassez Empty cans of Trashez/ Muhthafuhkerz can't even face da challengez/ Sayz they're da masterz,Yeah my dick! fuhk your Cunt-leaking self-praisez/ Pray u don't meet me face-true-face unless ya Cops won't even find ya tracez in any case/ I'll be da last scary movie you will see/ The last assasin of all ur laughz you will have/ The death of your death/The end of your life's math/ Your worst enemy/ shall make you bloody pee/ Sing ur last song of your life/ Lalala fucking dayz finished,you alive?

Replies: 155

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.