^bLOod iN^ ^BLooD oUT^ 100% d3a7H! by HNIC72008/10/01 16:06 itz a cup flo of blod.if u ril g,1nc in 2ic out!fuk cum in gt a taste!juz do it as a ril gee..-tog-
millian2008/10/01 16:11 lol, tym to brand sum asses
HNIC72008/10/01 16:12 its 100%raw!smck u kne n gt d hel 2crawl!wt hel u gona do wen u gt in2a big brawl?mtfka
HNIC72008/10/01 16:13 SUM AZS..w t f is ghost mil..ima gt ur dick kil n seald!
ROMEO_2008/10/01 17:37 Hnic! U creat a post, and post noting but moist! Ur rymes r wack their deserve a toast! Dnt b like dat , ul b lost in this coast! Loose does rymes , loose dat mic, soon ul b cooking wit da most!
Shaev72008/10/01 19:22 wel itz in!d sht wil soon bgin
HNIC72008/10/01 19:37 juz gt a coupl of ateriez n itz urz!i l b cumin so.n 2fix yal up!sukaz..try-hard n meal
Shaev72008/10/01 20:10 DON WT URSLF..juz w8 n c u b cot slipin!
ROMEO_2008/10/01 21:24 H nick! Ur a lame ass jst like ur brother here
Shaev72008/10/01 21:27 ROMEW!u nt hot!sort of blak pot!u re/go gt u eyespot!on elz i mak u blind in far/
ROMEO_2008/10/01 21:38 U folow me around like my mascot/ u had ur ass cut?/ so wats cumin out of ur backside/
Shaev72008/10/01 21:41 u cumin out of ma bcksyd/cuz u ma faeces aspryd/bunch of sukaz u dick syd/is fur shredup coz U DYD
ROMEO_2008/10/01 21:58 IS DAT DVD OH DYD/ Dnt try 2 Dis/ u suck in Dis/ sell Dvds/go on Dealing/ Dig up Dimonds/ or try on Dancing
Shaev72008/10/02 05:25 DVD!sht u az f up by d LAPD!damn punk ima NYPD!tak u2da CID!zone yl am budha wt ma LASDP!
Shaev72008/10/02 14:10 man u phukurslf,juz up n sit urslf.itz a an ish 4u2 gt ur porn of ur shlf!am komin suun?mtfka
Shaev72008/10/02 14:57 bngn wt me is sht lyk dam!t!u stik up ur pantiz sty witit!in me i fukit!letz ryd!u dnt wana die u clyd!fakr..bitch u cam in gt u az down..medit8n d dy i'l snd ur az 2ma kila clown..ima laf cuz u nt a muvn cloud..sht itz BLOOD-IN-BLOOD-OUT!nw gt d fukout!
Shaev72008/10/02 15:04 u tink am kidy u!gt d fukd apoc didnt u!n wtf u suk cejay's dick wt sperm ful!man gay ur az doit wt dam!t lyk jackmuv!romew gt phukup n gt wotz cumin 2u!if u dnt bckdphukup..ima gt ur nasty asz smckaphukup..its d villain suk ma dick of sperm cup..B!7CH