What do u do on a friday after work by RoseGirl 2008/09/24 01:34
What do u do on a friday afternoon after working or after classes...dance, dating. Tv, jol, or what ?

Eternal_Knight 2009/04/29 04:42
I dont work
Kookies_N_Kreams 2009/05/17 18:34
Sit bk n relax
VYGER 2009/05/24 08:10
Thinking of tonights work.
AxelRose 2009/05/24 12:46
Chatting or watching tv..
AxelRose 2009/05/24 12:47
But it depends on th situation n my mood..
RoSeBeRrY 2009/05/24 13:16
chillax wif my family /smiley
niecha_vanilla 2009/05/24 13:17
Hang out wit ma fams or just watch muvee together wit them.. /smiley
Rachel09 2009/05/24 22:50
I go to the gym, go home and shower and get ready to have a night out with friends. Or its just me and the hubby spending time together. /smiley
Ajptaj 2009/05/31 18:02
It's dpend on my mood.
SAGITTARIUS 2009/06/01 14:08
Watch /smiley or go for outing with my friends.
_impuLse_ 2009/06/01 21:08
um depends..
Ajptaj 2009/06/02 18:21
Drinking wid my friends othrws dpend on mood.
SilverDust 2009/06/02 19:07
i go 2 bed early 4 work on saturday n wonder wat others r doing...
RoseGirl 2009/09/29 11:39
MANCHESTER-UNITED 2009/09/30 11:08
I always kick back and have one glass of jack daniels before i start my weekend
Culbeauty 2009/09/30 11:28
I relax in a cool atmosphere
AcaJoe 2009/09/30 19:22
Kick my shoes off and relax with a drink.
Shena 2009/10/01 03:59
as usual, reading and cleaning my flat
alhilal 2009/10/01 05:08
any how...have a great time
Undiscover 2009/10/01 18:31
I wud have watched movies on my pc
Replies: 90

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