Confession Booth by bad-apple 2008/08/31 10:46
Human beings r not perfect..Our actions & words hurt somebody somehow..We commit sins & mischief to satisfy our urge & even for the sake of taking revenge..In this place,u can confess the truth..It will purify ur soul & u will feel relieved of an unnecessary burden..:-)

@Moon_boy@ 2010/05/15 14:39
Quote: Ajibola: God is the greatest, I testify that there is no other God except He, the master of all masters, king of all kings, master of the universe, I look unto thee cos He doesn't forsake me even if I never know am in the wilderness.

Lord, am before you to be purify as your desire to be welcome in your kingdom after evacuating from this sinful, shameful and ugly world after death.
that's right

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/05/20 20:25
my confession is that im still not perfect,still not in ur path but wanting to be
Eleto 2010/10/21 20:23
I confess to God almighty. 4 my sins
Spektralflamez 2010/10/04 19:21
Confessing to the person u've offended
Spektralflamez 2010/09/20 06:40
So many times we sin and confess,he forgives
Spektralflamez 2010/10/02 02:05
God has to listen to us not the priest
Spektralflamez 2010/10/02 06:41
Why we sin every moment and ask 4 forgiveness 4rom God
Spektralflamez 2010/10/02 06:42
God is very merciful
jaQui 2010/10/04 00:17

dear Lord, plz 4give me my sins and have mercy on th0se wh0 h8 me with passi0n,,, n plz d0nt let me die s00n s0 i can take revenge b4 Gum cl0se 2wap.

And Lord plz have mercy on me 4 what i've just said, c0z i was just kidding You... /smiley

luther. 2010/12/18 19:59
Sweet_Divyanka 2010/12/11 20:54
I confesse to a /smiley
fu9it1v3 2011/05/04 04:46
Forgive me Lord for I stopped caring.
jaQui 2011/01/18 21:29
i c0nfess dat i am c0nfused abt sin, i d0nt kn0w what is sin and what is n0t...

Davidino 2011/06/27 05:29
i confess my sins before you ho lord,that i shall be accepted in your holy kingdom. /smiley
Muwale 2011/07/03 12:43
Are we in the church?
Wmart 2011/07/26 10:03
Everyday i confess to God
Totty 2011/08/07 16:28
Conffession is amust to whom who belives to God
jaQui 2011/08/09 00:21

O my God, trusting in your promises and because you are faithful, powerful and merciful, I hope, through the merits of Jesus Christ, for the pardon of my sins, final perseverance and the blessed glory of heaven. Amen.flower1.

jaQui 2011/08/11 22:39

Almighty God, Thy Word is cast Like seed into the ground; Now let the dew of heaven descend And righteous fruits abound.

jaQui 2011/08/11 23:48

O' Christ Jesus, when all is
darkness and we feel our
weakness and
helplessness, give us the
sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength. Help us to have
perfect trust in Your
protecting love and
strengthening power, so
that nothing may
frighten or worry us, for, living close to You, we
shall see Your hand, Your
purpose, Your will
through all things.

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