Discovering your Guardian Angel by Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 05:50
Every1 has a guardian angel to guide and protect them.You can learn how to contackt your angel to ask them for help.

Godric 2010/05/28 16:58
there is no guidian ange baby
DareDevil 2010/10/22 22:34
/smiley nice
bolt 2010/10/27 14:32
mac pam v u rite. but can u tell who r da ppl refusing u?? there r 2 typ of refusin ppl. can u name that.?
Dreamy3 2010/12/13 05:25
I have sum angel stories wen my son was little, he was sleeping n i hear a women's voice saying his name but like in a singing way n he heard her to, starting moving around like he was tryn to wake up but couldnt.. she said his name twice than i didnt hear her anymore. that also happened twice n when he was asleep
Chris_lee 2011/01/25 03:17
want to help me send me one of yours cuz mine give up on me
InternetLord 2011/02/01 12:15
nice lol
Holumiedey 2011/02/03 05:16
Quote: Chris_lee: want to help me send me one of yours cuz mine give up on me

Try prayin him in they are always there 4 us.

Ice-Fairy 2011/02/04 19:05
I think i'll try 2 contact my guardian angel.
detrimentum 2014/08/09 06:24
This is complete and utter nonsense. Of all the things made normal, by the very institution that chose what the Christian gets to read , this is by far the worst. This institution can't read themselves! You may not worship nor call upon CREATION. There is a CREATOR, to worship and call upon. No wonder the protestant movement was so big, because the moment the average person could read for themselves, they could read how insane the notions and ideals of the roman catholic church truely is.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03 08:21
Smarty 2015/11/21 00:20
Where did he get it?

Replies: 51

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